Well, let me tell you ’bout this thing, this… Shannon Graves from Campbell, Ohio. Heard all sorts of things, ya know? Folks talkin’.
Shannon Graves, they say. Young gal, gone too soon. Folks whisperin’ she was only 28. Just a young’un, ain’t it? Makes an old woman like me think…life’s too short, ya know? Too darn short.
They found her, you see. After all this time. Two months it was, they say. Two whole months before they figured out it was her. In a freezer, can ya believe it? A freezer! Lord have mercy, what kinda world we livin’ in? Stuffing a poor girl in a freezer… It just ain’t right, I tell ya. It just ain’t right.

- They said it was her ex-boyfriend, this Arturo fella.
- He admitted it, they tell me. Admitted to killin’ her.
- And not just killin’ her, mind you. They say… they say he cut her up. Dismembered, that’s the word they used. Fancy word for a horrible thing.
- Stuffed her in that freezer like she was… well, like she wasn’t nothin’ but a piece of meat. Breaks your heart, it does.
Folks say he did it two years ago. Two years! And she just… gone. Like she vanished into thin air. Imagine that. Her mama, Christine… Lord, I can’t even think about what that poor woman went through. They say Christine’s gone now too. Passed on. Maybe she’s with Shannon now, up there in heaven. I hope so. I surely do hope so.
They say she had grandparents too. Raynold and Eva, Bob and Delores. All gone before her. And some lady named Penny Martin, a “special motherly figure” they called her. So many folks missin’ her, I reckon. So many hearts broken.
There was a service, I heard. A “private service” they called it. At some funeral home on Belmont Avenue. Schiavone, that was the name. To “celebrate her life,” they say. How do you celebrate a life cut so short? How do you celebrate when it ends like that? I don’t know. I just don’t know.
Makes you think, doesn’t it? About the evil in the world. About the things people do to each other. About how quick life can be snatched away. Makes you wanna hold your loved ones close, tell ‘em you love ‘em. ‘Cause you never know, ya know? You just never know when it’s gonna be your time.
And this Arturo fella… what about him? He admitted it, they say. But what happens now? Justice, I hope. I hope they lock him up and throw away the key. That’s what he deserves, far as I’m concerned. He took a life, a young life. He needs to pay for that. He surely does.
It’s a sad story, ain’t it? A real sad story. This Shannon Graves… a young gal from Campbell, Ohio. Gone too soon. And all we got left is whispers and stories. And a whole lotta heartache. A whole lotta heartache.
Makes you think… it really does. Makes you think about everything and nothing at all. Makes you want to say a prayer for that girl, and for all the folks left behind. And maybe a prayer for the world too, ‘cause Lord knows, we need it. We surely do.
Tags: [Shannon Graves, Campbell Ohio, Arturo Novoa, Freezer, Murder, Crime, Missing Person, Justice]