What Caused The Bloodshed on Beattie street That Day?

What Caused The Bloodshed on Beattie street That Day?

Okay, so, “Bloodshed on Beattie Street.” Sounds intense, right? Well, it kinda was. I’ve been messing around with… let’s just call them “digital art projects” – and this one got a little out of hand. It all started with a simple idea, I just want create a picture.

I started by grabbing some, uh, “reference materials.” You know, just to get the mood right. Think gritty, dark, maybe a little unsettling. Lots of deep reds and shadows, obviously. I was going for this whole noir-ish vibe, but, you know, with a twist.

The Messy Middle

  • First, I sketched out the basic layout. Super rough, just to get the placement of things right. It all began on that “street,” of course.
  • Then, I started blocking in the colors. Big, bold strokes. Nothing subtle here, folks. We’re talking bloodshed, remember?
  • Then I began to paint, constantly adjusting the saturation.
  • This is where things got tricky. I spent hours tweaking the… let’s call them “details.” Getting the right amount of “splatter” without going full-on cartoonish was a real challenge. Seriously, there’s a fine line between “artfully disturbing” and “just plain gross.”
  • I kept layering and layering, adding textures, trying to make it look, you know, real. Or, at least, real enough.
  • Then, add the element of light, and adjust the lighting direction.

The (Almost) Finished Product

After what felt like a million years, I finally stepped back and looked at the whole thing. It was… something. Definitely captured the “bloodshed” part. Beattie Street, well, it looked like a place you wouldn’t want to be caught after dark, that’s for * that’s what I want.

What Caused The Bloodshed on Beattie street That Day?

I saved a few different versions, just in case. You never know when you might need to tone it down a notch. Or, you know, crank it up to eleven.

So, yeah, that’s the story of “Bloodshed on Beattie Street.” It was a messy, time-consuming, and occasionally frustrating process, but hey, that’s art, right? I just want to share the whole process that i made.