Alright, let’s talk about this Kelli Stapleton thing. I heard some folks whisperin’ about it down at the store, somethin’ about her gettin’ out or somethin’. So, I figured I’d poke around and see what the fuss is all about.
Now, from what I gather, this Kelli woman, she’s from Michigan, you know, out in the sticks like us. Got herself three kids, and one of ’em, a little girl named Issy, well, she’s got that autism thing. You know, the one where kids act a bit… different. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you. Every critter’s got its own way, that’s what I always say.
Anyway, back in 2014, somethin’ snapped in Kelli. They say she tried to, well, to kill Issy. Tried to do it with that car gas stuff, carbon monoxide, they call it. Can you believe it? A mother tryin’ to hurt her own child. Makes my old bones ache just thinkin’ about it.

- They locked her up for it, you see. Gave her 10 to 22 years in prison. That’s a long time to be sittin’ in a cage, let me tell you. Huron Valley Prison for Women, they say. Down in Ypsilanti.
- Now, folks are talkin’ about her parole. Parole, that’s when they let you out early, but you gotta behave yourself. They keep an eye on you, make sure you ain’t causin’ no more trouble.
So, this Kelli Stapleton release date, that’s what everyone wants to know. When’s she gonna be walkin’ around free again? Well, from what I hear, she’s got a 12-month parole term. That means they’ll be watchin’ her close for a whole year. And they should, after what she done.
They say she pleaded guilty, you know. Admitted to it. Said somethin’ about Issy not bein’ the monster, but her bein’ the monster. Well, I reckon she got that right. Tryin’ to kill your own kid? That ain’t right, no matter how you slice it.
This whole thing, it just makes you think, you know? About how hard life can be, how folks can get pushed to the edge. Not that I’m makin’ excuses for her, mind you. What she done was wrong, plain and simple. But still, it makes you wonder what was goin’ on in her head, what drove her to do such a terrible thing.
They call it first-degree child abuse, what she done. That sounds about right to me. Abusin’ a child, that’s about the worst thing you can do. And tryin’ to kill ’em? Well, that’s just pure evil.
Kelli Rai Stapleton, Kelli Rae Johnson, Kelli R Stapleton, Kelli Rai Stapleton Marks – seems like she goes by a few different names. Folks are keepin’ up with her trial, wantin’ to know what’s gonna happen. And I can’t blame ‘em. It’s a sad story, a real heartbreaker. Makes you hug your own grandkids a little tighter, let me tell you.
Her husband, he must be goin’ through it too. Imagine havin’ your wife go to trial for tryin’ to kill your daughter. That’s a heavy load to carry. This whole family, they’ve been through a lot, that’s for sure.
Now, some folks say Issy’s doin’ alright. That’s good to hear, at least. Kids are resilient, you know? They bounce back, even after somethin’ terrible like this. But still, it’s gonna leave a mark, you can bet on that.
So, this Kelli Stapleton, she’s gonna be out on parole, livin’ in the community. They’ll be keepin’ an eye on her, makin’ sure she don’t hurt nobody else. And that’s how it should be. She made a mistake, a big one, and now she’s gotta pay for it. But maybe, just maybe, she can learn from it too. Maybe she can find a way to make things right, somehow. One can only hope, I guess.

This whole situation, it’s a mess, a real tangled-up mess. And there ain’t no easy answers. But one thing’s for sure, it’s a story that’ll stick with you for a while. A story about a mother, a daughter, and a terrible act that changed their lives forever.
Tags: Kelli Stapleton, Kelli Stapleton Update, Issy Stapleton, Parole, Michigan, Child Abuse, Kelli and Issy Stapleton, Kelli Stapleton 2022