Alright, so ya wanna know about this Doug Bradford fella, is he still kickin’ around? Well, let me tell ya what I heard. It ain’t pretty, mind you.
This Doug Bradford, they say he done somethin’ real bad back in ’79. Killed a young woman, they say. A nurse, she was, just 28 years old. Poor thing. They found her dead in her apartment. Strangled, I heard. Can ya imagine? Some young gal, life ahead of her, and then, bam, gone just like that.
- They caught this Bradford fella years later, though. Took ‘em long enough, if ya ask me.
- Seems like he thought he got away with it. Sailed off somewhere, he did, tryin’ to look all innocent. But they got him. Justice, they call it.
- He got himself a long sentence, too. Twenty-six years to life, they say. That’s a good long time to think about what he done.
Now, this happened way back when, so doin’ the math, this Bradford fella, he’d be an old geezer now. He was 62 back in 2014 when they sentenced him. Do the math, like I said. He’d be way up there in years.

They say he tried to fight it, you know, said he didn’t do it. Appealed and all that legal mumbo jumbo. But the court, they didn’t buy it. Said he was guilty as sin. And I reckon they were right. You don’t just strangle a young woman and walk away free.
So, is he still alive? Well, that’s the million-dollar question, ain’t it? He got that long sentence, remember? Twenty-six years to life. That means he’d have to live a real long time to get out. And even then, they might not let him. Life means life sometimes, you know?
They said he was an engineer, this Bradford guy. From Orange County. Fancy job, I guess. But it don’t matter what you are, what you do for a living. If you do somethin’ wrong, especially somethin’ like killin’ someone, you gotta pay the price. And this fella, he’s payin’ it, one way or another.
I ain’t heard nothin’ about him dyin’ in prison, so chances are he’s still there. Locked up tight. Maybe he’s sick, maybe he’s old and frail. But he’s alive, I reckon. Unless somethin’ happened and we just ain’t heard about it yet.
It’s a sad story all around, ya know? That young woman, her life cut short. And this Bradford fella, throwin’ his life away. Makes ya think, it does. Makes ya appreciate what ya got. And it reminds ya that there’s evil in this world, even hidin’ behind a fancy job and a nice smile.
So, there ya have it. That’s all I know about this Doug Bradford. He’s a killer, got a long sentence, and last I heard, he was still alive. Probably an old man now, sittin’ in a cell, thinkin’ about what he done. And that, my friend, is that.
Just remember, what goes around comes around. You can’t run from your past forever. And sooner or later, justice will catch up to ya. Just like it caught up to Doug Bradford.
I hope that answers your question. It ain’t a happy story, but it’s the truth, as far as I know it. And that’s all that matters, right?

Tags: [Doug Bradford, Lynne Knight, 1979 Murder, Orange County, California, Prison Sentence, Justice, Unsolved Mysteries]