Well now, let me tell ya ’bout this “One Fast Move” movie. It’s about this young fella, Wes, played by some actor named KJ Apa. Don’t know him from Adam, but he’s a looker, I’ll give him that. Wes, he’s had a rough go of it. Ended up in the army, then in jail, all ’cause of some street racin’. Kids these days, always in a hurry, ain’t they?
So, Wes gets out of the clink and he’s got this dream, see? He wants to be a big-shot motorcycle racer. But he ain’t got nothin’, no money, no fancy bike, nothin’. So, he goes lookin’ for his daddy, this fella Eric Dane plays. Never seen him in nothin’ neither. Anyways, the daddy, he’s been gone a long time, and there’s some bad blood there, you can tell.
- The story’s kinda messy, like my kitchen after bakin’ day. It’s about Wes tryin’ to make somethin’ of himself, and about him and his daddy fixin’ their problems. But it jumps around a bit, hard to keep track sometimes.
- There’s racin’ in it, lots of racin’. Fast bikes, zoomin’ around. That part’s fun, I guess. Reminds me of them young boys racin’ their souped-up cars down by the highway. Always causin’ a ruckus.
- They say there’s some “adult stuff” in it too. Swearin’, some naked folks, and whatnot. Didn’t pay much attention to that, seen it all before, life ain’t always peaches and cream you know.
Now, this movie, it ain’t perfect. It’s got its ups and downs. Sometimes it’s excitin’, like when they’re racin’, and sometimes it’s kinda slow and boring. Wes, he’s a troubled boy, got a lot on his mind. And the daddy, well, he’s got his own problems too. They yell at each other a lot, like my grandkids when they can’t agree on what to watch on the TV.

They filmed this movie in Georgia, wherever that is. Probably far from here. They got some fancy bikes in it, Triumphs, they call ’em. Never heard of ’em myself, but they look fast. Wes, he wants one of them bikes real bad, so he can race and win. It’s all about winnin’, seems like, these days. When I was young, we were just happy to have a bike that runs.
Some folks say this movie is about “human connections”. That’s a fancy way of sayin’ it’s about family, I reckon. Wes and his daddy, they gotta learn to get along, even though they ain’t seen each other in years. It ain’t easy, family never is. Always somethin’ to argue about. Money, mostly, or who gets the last piece of pie. Family’s family though, gotta stick together, even when you wanna wring their necks.
The fella who made this movie, Kelly Blatz his name is, he wrote it too. Must be a smart fella. But I don’t know if he knows much about real life. This movie, it’s kinda like a dream, not real. But I guess that’s what movies are for, takin’ you away from your troubles for a little while. Escapin’ reality, like readin’ one of them romance novels.
So, is “One Fast Move” any good? Well, it ain’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen. It’s got some good parts, some bad parts. The racin’s fun, the actors are pretty, and there’s a bit of a story in there somewhere. But it ain’t gonna change your life or nothin’. It’s a good movie to watch if you ain’t got nothin’ better to do. Like a rainy afternoon, when you’re stuck inside and the chores can wait. One Fast Move movie reviews are mixed, some folks love it, some folks don’t. I’m somewhere in the middle, I guess.
If you like fast bikes and stories about family, you might like it. If you’re lookin’ for somethin’ deep and meanin’ful, well, you might wanna look elsewhere. But hey, it’s your time and your money. Do what you please. Life’s too short to worry about what other folks think. That’s what I always say. And if you do watch it, let me know what you think. Maybe I missed somethin’. Always somethin’ new to learn, even at my age.
So that’s my take on “One Fast Move”. Not the best, not the worst, just a movie. Take it or leave it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. Got a pot roast in the oven, and it ain’t gonna cook itself.