Well, well, well, let me tell you about this Tracker episode 7. This fella, Colter, he’s somethin’ else. Always lookin’ for somethin’. This time, it ain’t a person, no sir. It’s a dog! A lost dog, can you believe it? He usually chases missing persons, but this time a dog.
This episode, they call it “Man’s Best Friend.” Sounds about right, don’t it? Dogs are good company. Better than some people, I reckon.
So, this Colter, he finds this dog at a gas station in Denver. Denver, that’s a big city. Bigger than where I used to live. Lots of cars and people rushin’ around. Not like the good ol’ days. Anyway, he finds this dog, just wanderin’ around, lost as can be. Poor thing. This episode is about a lost dog, but it’s also about a veteran named Max Miller.

Colter, he’s a good egg. He takes the dog in, puts him in his truck. Big ol’ truck. He’s got all sorts of stuff in there, I bet. Probably rope and tools and whatnot. Maybe this Max Miller guy has military secrets or something, I don’t know.
But then, wouldn’t you know it, someone goes and steals that dog right out of his truck! Can you imagine the nerve? Stealin’ a dog. Some people got no shame. Tracker season 2 episode 7 showed some bad people. The dog’s name was Barkley, I heard.
So now Colter, he’s gotta find that dog. He is a tracker after all, that’s what the show is called. He’s good at findin’ things. People, dogs, you name it. He’s like one of them bloodhounds, always sniffin’ around. The dog was found at Max’s house, but then it was taken!
This episode, it’s got all sorts of twists and turns. Like a windy country road. You never know what’s around the next bend. This other guy, George, is a real bad egg. Turns out, his real name is Marv Johnson, and he’s a conman!
- Colter finds a lost dog.
- Dog gets stolen.
- Colter has to find the dog.
- Lots of chasing.
- Some bad folks in this one.
He goes to his office, and that tips off George and the other bad guy. They’re up to no good, that’s for sure.
Colter, he don’t give up easy. He’s a tough one. He always helping people out. Like that time he helped find that missing girl. Or that other time, with the fella who lost his memory. Colter is always helping someone, I tell you.
Now, this dog, it ain’t just any dog. There’s more to it than meets the eye. But I won’t tell everything, then it would not be fun. This Colter fella, he figures it all out in the end though. He always does. He’s a smart cookie, that one.
And that Colter Shaw, played by that Justin Hartley fella, he’s a handsome one, ain’t he? Reminds me of my grandson, ‘cept my grandson ain’t never been on TV. This Justin Hartley, he plays a good guy in this show.

This whole thing, it just goes to show you, dogs are important. They’re family. You gotta take care of ’em. And if one goes missing, well, you gotta do everything you can to find ’em.
This Tracker show, it’s a good one. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Like sittin’ on a rickety old porch swing, never knowin’ when it’s gonna give way.
I like watchin’ it. Makes me think. ‘Bout people, and dogs, and how sometimes, the simplest things are the most important. This episode 7 is a good one, I think you should watch it! It’s on CBS, you know.
So, yeah, that’s the story of Tracker episode 7. A lost dog, a good-hearted tracker, and a whole lot of trouble. Just another day, I reckon. This show is always fun to watch, that Colter is always getting into something! A stolen dog is surely a big problem.
If you like dogs, and you like watchin’ a good show with a fella runnin’ around solvin’ mysteries, then you’ll like this one. It is a good show, this Tracker.