This TV show, that Tracker, I tell ya, it’s somethin’ else. Episode 4, well, that’s the one I’m gonna jaw about today. It got that Colter fella and that Reenie gal, workin’ together again. They gotta find some kid, Noah, who done run off. Boy’s mama, Erika, she’s friends with Reenie, so she’s all worried sick, you know?
This whole thing, it’s called “Mt. Shasta” or somethin’, that’s the name of the episode, I reckon. Aired on, let me see, March 3rd, this year, 2024. They say Colter, he’s racin’ against the clock, tryin’ to find this teenager before somethin’ bad happens. Time is tickin’, you see, and that ain’t good when a young’un is missin’. Everyone is watchin’ this show, yeah. It is on CBS, you know that channel, right?
So, Reenie and Colter, they’re back at it. Like two peas in a pod, those two, always chasin’ after someone or somethin’. This time, it’s that Noah boy. Erika, she’s a good friend of Reenie, I guess. She had this teenage son, and now he’s gone. Vanished like a fart in the wind! They gotta find him, and they gotta find him fast.

Now, Colter, he’s got some baggage, that one. He told Reenie some sad story ’bout his brother, and somethin’ about killin’ his own daddy. Lord have mercy! Reenie, she said she’d help him out whenever he needed it. And now, here she is, helpin’ him find this missin’ kid. They is callin’ it “Noble Rot”, what is that I don’t know.
That Colter, he goes and says some woman, Matt’s mama, he says she killed some other gal, Mia. And you know what? She says she did it! Says she did it to stop Matt from leavin’ town with Mia. They found Mia’s body on some property, the Winslow place, I think. Then Reenie, she tells Colter she got a call from someone named Russell. Sounds like a whole mess, don’t it?
- Colter and Reenie, they ain’t together, no sir.
- They go their own ways at the end of this episode.
- Colter, he’s got other gals he’s sweet on.
- Reenie, she brought some fella named Elliot to some shindig.
- But Reenie, she says she can count on Colter, ‘specially with work.
That’s all I can say about episode 4, Tracker got people talkin’. This whole thing with Noah bein’ missin’, it’s got everyone on edge. That Colter and Reenie, they’re always in the thick of it, ain’t they? Tryin’ to find folks, solvin’ mysteries. It’s a regular soap opera, I tell ya. Tracker Episode 4 recap, that is all for today.
I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna keep watchin’. See what kind of trouble those two get into next. This show, it’s like watchin’ a train wreck, you just can’t look away! That Colter, he’s a strange one, but he’s got a good heart, I think. And Reenie, she’s a tough cookie, that one. They make a good team, even if they ain’t hitched.
This whole thing happened in Tracker episode 4, that is on March 3. Some people think it is on November 3, but that is not right. The missing boy, Noah, made his mama worry a lot, that poor woman. Hope they find that boy safe and sound. So if you wanna find out what happened, go watch it on CBS, that Tracker show.
Remember that name, Tracker. It’s a good show. This Colter and Reenie, they go through a lot, their life is not easy. This episode 4, it is very exciting. This is a good Tracker Episode 4 recap, you will know everything after reading this. I think I will go watch it again.