That Kevin Dowling, what a rotten egg! And that poor Jennifer Myers, such a sad story. Heard she was from Spring Grove, that Pennsylvania place. A good woman, I reckon, just trying to make a living. Then this no-good Kevin Dowling comes along. Bad news, that one.
They say he tried to rob her, this Jennifer Myers. Walked right in, bold as brass, with a gun, wanting her money. Imagine that! Bout 11 in the morning, too. Broad daylight! Jennifer Myers, she must have been scared out of her wits. Heard someone came in with a delivery, though. Thank goodness for small favors, I say. That scared him off, that Kevin. He ran like a scared rabbit.
- Tried to rob her
- Pulled a gun
- Demanded money
- Got interrupted
- Ran away
But that ain’t the end of it, no sir. This Kevin Dowling, he got caught. They charged him, they did. Robbery, they said. And some other nasty things, too. Indecent assault, that’s what they called it. And even attempted… well, you know. With Jennifer Myers. Poor woman. She pointed him out, said it was him. Brave, she was.

Then, what do you think happens? This Dowling, he gets out on bail. Can you believe it? Out walking around, free as a bird. And Jennifer Myers, she’s got to live with that fear. Knowing he’s out there. It ain’t right, I tell ya. It ain’t right.
Fourteen months later, they said it was. Fourteen months after that robbery, this Kevin Dowling is out on bail. And just two days before he’s supposed to go to trial, what happens? They find Jennifer Myers dead. In her art gallery, no less. Such a shame. A real tragedy, that’s what it is.
Now, they’re saying Kevin Dowling did it. They charged him with her murder, they did. Seems pretty obvious to me, if you ask me. Who else would it be? He had a motive, that’s for sure. Wanted to shut her up, I reckon. So she couldn’t testify against him.
That Jennifer Myers, she didn’t deserve that. Nobody does. To be robbed, assaulted, and then… murdered? It’s just plain evil. And this Kevin Dowling, he’s the devil himself, I’m telling you.
Heard he got married once, this Kevin. To some woman named Marley Klaus, back in ’87. May 9, 1987, they said it was. Don’t know what she saw in him. Must have been blind as a bat. Or maybe he fooled her, like he fooled everyone else. For a while, at least.
But the truth always comes out, don’t it? It always does. And now, everyone knows what kind of man Kevin Dowling is. A robber, an attacker, and a murderer. He’ll get what’s coming to him, I hope. He’ll rot in prison, where he belongs.
Poor Jennifer Myers. She’s gone now, but she won’t be forgotten. Not by me, anyway. And I hope not by anyone else who hears her story. We need to remember these things. We need to remember the victims. And we need to make sure that justice is served.
It’s a sad world sometimes, ain’t it? But we gotta keep fighting for what’s right. We gotta keep fighting for the Jennifer Myerses of the world. And against the Kevin Dowlings.

This whole thing makes my blood boil. That Kevin Dowling and Jennifer Myers… it just ain’t right. Makes me want to spit. A good woman, gone too soon. And a bad man, who’s still causing trouble. This world… sometimes, I just don’t understand it.
- Jennifer Myers: a resident of Spring Grove, Pennsylvania
- Kevin Dowling: charged with robbery and other bad things
- Robbery happened in the morning, around 11 AM
- Jennifer Myers identified Kevin Dowling
- Jennifer Myers found dead later, Kevin Dowling charged with murder. So sad.
That poor woman, Jennifer Myers. May she rest in peace. And that Kevin Dowling, may he get what he deserves. Justice will be served. It’s got to be.