The Clearing Episode 1 Recap, Listen up, I’m gonna tell ya ‘bout it
Alright, so I watched this thing, “The Clearing,” episode one. It was kinda weird, ya know? Like, this little girl, Asha, she gets snatched. Not like, snatched a cookie, snatched for real. Some folks took her. And this other girl, Amy, says she’s Asha’s sister now. Sister, my foot, I say. More like a jailer, if ya ask me.
Amy, she starts teachin’ Asha all this crazy stuff. They call it “the ways of Blackmarsh.” Sounds like a swamp to me. And who’s runnin’ this swamp? Some old biddies they call “The Aunties.” These Aunties, they ain’t nobody’s sweet aunties, let me tell ya. They’re all about this Adrienne Beaufort lady. She’s the big boss, the “spiritual leader” they call her. Heh, “spiritual leader,” sounds like a load of hogwash. They got a whole group, a cult, called “The Kindred.” Sounds creepy, right? It is creepy.

- Asha gets taken.
- Amy pretends to be her sister.
- Blackmarsh and The Aunties are trouble.
- Adrienne Beaufort is the cult leader.
So, Amy, she’s acting all strange, real strange. And she’s got a kid, Max. But they take Max away from her, give him to some fella named Wayne. Good for that kid, I say. Amy ain’t fit to raise a chicken, let alone a child.
This Blackmarsh place, it’s all about rules and weird rituals. They’re makin’ Asha do all sorts of things, trainin’ her up in their crazy ways. It’s all hush-hush and spooky. Keeps ya guessin’ what’s gonna happen next. You keep thinkin’ that little girl’s gonna run, but she don’t.
This Adrienne woman, she’s the real piece of work. She’s got everyone wrapped around her finger. Got ‘em believin’ all sorts of nonsense. It’s like them snake oil salesmen back in the day, promisin’ ya the moon and stars, but just takin’ your money. This Adrienne, she’s takin’ more than money, she’s takin’ these folks’ lives, messin’ with their heads.
The show, it jumps around a bit. Shows you Asha learnin’ the ropes in this Blackmarsh place, then it shows you what’s happenin’ outside. Like with Wayne and the kid, Max. It’s kinda confusing, but ya get the hang of it. It’s like they’re tryin’ to show you how different these two worlds are. One world’s kinda normal, ya know, with folks goin’ to work and eatin’ dinner. The other world’s all twisted and strange. It’s the way they get ya hooked, showing you one thing then another.
I gotta say, Amy, she’s a piece of work too. One minute she’s all sweet and sisterly, the next minute she’s scarin’ the bejesus outta ya. You can’t trust her, not one bit. And those Aunties, they’re even worse. They’re like those mean old biddies you see at the church picnic, always gossiping and lookin’ down their noses at ya. Except these biddies are way more dangerous. They got that crazy look in their eyes, ya know? They are what they seem. Mean.
So, what’s it all about? Well, it seems like this Adrienne lady, she’s got some kind of plan. She’s usin’ these girls, Asha and Amy, and all the folks in Blackmarsh, for somethin’. What it is, I don’t rightly know yet. But it can’t be good, that’s for sure. Anytime you got folks hidin’ away in the woods, followin’ some self-proclaimed leader, it’s bound to be trouble. Trouble with a capital T.
I reckon we’ll learn more in the next episodes. But this first one, it sets the stage, ya know? It introduces you to all the players, shows you the lay of the land. It’s creepy and unsettling. It makes you want to know what’s gonna happen next. And that’s the whole point, ain’t it? They got ya hooked, reeled ya in, just like a fish on a line. And I’m sure there’s gonna be some runnin’ in this story somewhere. That little girl ain’t gonna stay put forever, I don’t care how scary those Aunties are. She’s gonna find her way out.
Now, don’t go expectin’ no happy-go-lucky story. This ain’t no sunshine and rainbows kinda show. It’s dark and twisty. It’s about secrets and lies and the messed up things people do to each other. But if you like that kinda thing, well, then this show might just be for you. Just don’t say I didn’t warn ya.

And that’s all I got to say about that first episode. It was somethin’ alright. Makes you think, that’s for sure. Makes you think about what people believe and how far they’ll go for it.
Makes you wonder about those kids, too. And that Wayne guy. I bet he’s gonna be important later on. He better be, after they took that boy from his mama. Someone’s got to look out for that little fella.
Tags: [The Clearing, Episode Recap, Asha, Amy, Blackmarsh, The Aunties, Adrienne Beaufort, The Kindred, Cult, Kidnapping, Hulu Series, Drama, Suspense]