Alright, so listen up, y’all. I’m gonna tell ya ’bout this “Black Book” thing, like them city folks talk about. Don’t rightly know who wrote it or nothin’, but it seems like there’s a whole bunch of ’em.
One story, it’s about this fella, Damilola, somethin’ like that. Poor boy gets himself killed, real bad way, like they do in them wild parts. His daddy, Paul, he’s a preacher man, but he used to be, well, let’s just say he knew how to handle things. He’s lookin’ for revenge, see? And this “Black Book,” it’s got all the secrets to bring down the bad guys who done it. Sounds like a heap of trouble, if you ask me.
This Black Book, it’s got secrets. Folks are killin’ and fightin’ over it. Just like that time old man Johnson’s prize pig went missin’ and the whole town turned on each other. Never did find that pig, neither.

Then there’s this other “Black Book,” set in some foreign land, Turkey, I think they call it. This fella, Orhan, he wrote it. It’s in a big city, Istanbul, and this book, it changes folks’ lives. Don’t rightly know how, but they say it’s powerful. Like them love potions them gypsies used to sell, only messier, I reckon.
- It’s about findin’ yourself, I guess.
- And love, too.
- But mostly, it’s about secrets and this here city.
They say it’s a mystery, this Turkey book. And a detective story, too. Reminds me of that time my cousin lost his dentures at the county fair. Whole family was lookin’, and we finally found ’em in a cotton candy bucket. Now that was a mystery!
Now, there’s another “Black Book” story, and this one’s got a policeman in it, Billy somethin’. He’s in Chicago, a big ol’ city, and he’s got troubles. Murders, a missin’ book – yup, another “Black Book” – and his own memories messed up. Sounds like he needs a good cup of coffee and a nap, that’s what I say.
This Billy fella, he’s got it rough. He’s tryin’ to figure out who done what, and this book, it’s the key. It always is with these books, ain’t it? Folks should just learn to keep their noses outta other people’s business, that’s what I say.
And then there’s another one, with a fella named John Rebus. He’s a detective too, seems like there’s a lot of them around in these stories. His friend gets hurt and, you guessed it, there’s a mystery and a “Black Book” involved somehow. Seems like every time there’s trouble, a “Black Book” ain’t far behind. Like them crows that always show up when somethin’ dies.
There’s this other story about a fella named Galip, searchin’ for his wife, and her brother too. It’s in that Turkey place again. This “Black Book,” it’s got somethin’ to do with it all, deep down secrets and such. Honestly, these folks and their secrets. Just live your life, be good to your neighbors, and don’t go messin’ with no “Black Books,” that’s my advice.
So, what’s the deal with all these “Black Books”? Seems like they’re full of trouble. Full of secrets that folks are willin’ to kill for. Makes me thankful for my simple life. No “Black Books” here, just chickens, and garden, and the good Lord watchin’ over me. And that’s enough for this old woman.
All these stories, different places, different folks, but that “Black Book” keeps poppin’ up. It’s like a bad penny, always turnin’ up when you least expect it. Makes you wonder, don’t it? What kind of secrets can a book hold that makes folks act so crazy? I tell ya, it’s better to stick to the Good Book, that’s what I say. At least you know where you stand with that one.

Tags: Black Book Summary, Mystery, Thriller, Detective, Secrets, Istanbul, Chicago, Book Review