Well, howdy there, y’all! Let me tell ya ’bout this here “Surviving Summer” thing, season two, ya know? It’s like watchin’ them young’uns messin’ around on them surfboards. Kept me entertained, that’s for sure. Don’t go expectin’ no fancy talk from me, I just tell it like it is.
So, this Summer girl, she’s back in that Shorehaven place. Things are different now, real different. See, that Ari boy, he’s got himself a new gal, Wren. Can you believe it? Young love, it’s a fickle thing, just like the weather. One minute it’s sunshine, the next it’s a storm brewin’.
- First off, Ari and Summer, they end up together. Yep, after all that fussin’ and fightin’, they kiss and make up, like young’uns do.
- But hold your horses, it ain’t that simple. Everything kinda falls apart in this season. Relationships, friendships, you name it. It’s like watchin’ a sandcastle get washed away by the tide.
- Now, there’s this Bodhi and Tuscany. Them two, they got a thing goin’ on. Friends, lovers, who knows? It’s all mixed up, like a bowl of stew.
I tell ya, this season two, it’s a whole lotta drama. Reminds me of them soap operas I used to watch back in the day. Kept me on the edge of my seat, wonderin’ what’s gonna happen next.

They talk about Ari and his buddy Marlon jumpin’ off somethin’ called Stairway. Sounds dangerous to me. Kids these days, always doin’ crazy things. Ari got hurt, poor boy. Serves him right, I say, for bein’ so reckless.
And then there’s Summer. She tells Ari they’re better off as friends. But you can see somethin’s brewin’ between her and Marlon. It’s like a tangled fishing line, you just don’t know where it’s gonna lead.
I ain’t gonna lie, I liked season two. It wasn’t perfect, mind you, but it was good enough. Kept me entertained, and that’s all that matters. I mean, them surfers, they’re pretty to look at, and the waves, they’re somethin’ else. Makes me wanna pack my bags and head to the beach, even though I can’t swim a lick.
Overall, this “Surviving Summer” thing, it’s alright. It ain’t Shakespeare, but it’ll do. It’s got love, it’s got heartbreak, it’s got drama. Everything you need for a good ol’ time. Just don’t expect no happy endings, ’cause life ain’t like that. It’s messy, it’s complicated, and it’s always changin’. Just like the tide.
Now, they’re talkin’ about a season three. I don’t know if I’ll watch it or not. Depends on what them young’uns get up to next. If they keep it interestin’, I might tune in. But if it gets borin’, I’ll find somethin’ else to do. Maybe I’ll take up knittin’ again. Or maybe I’ll just sit on my porch and watch the world go by. That’s entertainin’ enough for an old woman like me.
This show, “Surviving Summer,” it shows how friendships and relationships change, you know? Like the seasons, always movin’ and changin’. One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re down in the dumps. That’s life, ain’t it? And this show, it captures that pretty good, I reckon. It’s a wild ride , but so is life.
And don’t forget all the fancy surfing they do, reminds me of the kids at the lake, always showing off . But these kids on TV, they really know what they doin’. Makes me dizzy just watchin’ ‘em. So, yeah, “Surviving Summer” it’s a keeper, at least for now.
But I gotta say, these young folks got it tough. Love and all that, it ain’t easy. Back in my day, things were simpler. You liked someone, you told ’em, and that was that. Now, it’s all complicated, with textin’ and social media and whatnot. I don’t get it, I really don’t. But I guess that’s what makes it interestin’, right?

Tags: [Surviving Summer, season 2, Netflix, teen drama, surfing, relationships, Ari, Summer, Wren, Bodhi, Tuscany, Shorehaven]