That movie, you know, the one where the gal keeps running away from her wedding? They call it, uh, “Runaway Bride” or somethin’ like that. Yeah, that one. Heard folks talking ’bout where they made that picture show. They say it was all over the place, like a chicken with its head cut off.
So, this here Runaway Bride movie location, well, they say a bunch of it was filmed in some place called Berlin. Not the one overseas, mind you, but one right here in these United States. Maryland, I reckon. They turned that whole town into a made-up place, called it Hale, like “hale and hearty,” maybe. I don’t know, never been there myself, only what I hear.
- They went and changed the names of the stores and all.
- But some things, like a hotel, they left it alone. Fancy that. They say it was that Atlantic Hotel. Sounds fancy, don’t it?
Now, this gal in the movie, this Runaway Bride, Maggie, I think her name was… she’s from this Hale place, this made-up town. But they filmed all over, not just in that Berlin, Maryland. You see, they like to jump around, these movie folks, looking for the right place to do their thing. They say there was this church they used, too. This Paul United Methodist Church in New Windsor and another one, Waugh United Methodist Church in Glen Arm. That’s what I heard. Sounds like a mouthful, don’t it? They were all around Maryland, seems like, for this here Runaway Bride movie location business.

Seems like they’re always looking for that “perfect spot,” these movie people. Like, they need just the right lookin’ house, or just the right lookin’ street, you know? It’s all about the look, they say. Well, they changed all kinds of things in this Berlin place. Painted stuff up, put up new signs. They even did something with the church, I think. They say they do that all the time with movies. Just change stuff around to make it look just right. Like putting lipstick on a pig, I reckon.
This Runaway Bride movie, it ain’t the only one they made around there, neither. Heard they made another one, somethin’ about “Everlasting” or something. Used some of the same places, I reckon. Like they found a good spot and just kept comin’ back. They do that, you know. Like a dog to its vomit, ain’t that what they say?
Now, they didn’t just stay in that Maryland place, no sir. They went other places, too. Heard they went across the ocean. Way over there to that England place. You know, where the Queen lives? They got all those old castles and such. Seems like they filmed some of it in, uh, Yorkshire, and Kent, and Derbyshire, and another one called, uh, Buckinghamshire. I don’t know what those places are like. Never been out of the country myself. Sounds fancy though, don’t it? That Runaway Bride movie location was all over the place.
They say these movie folks, they got all kinds of money to spend. Just throw it around like it’s nothin’. Flying here and there, all over the world, just to make a picture show. And they pay all those people, too. The actors, and the camera folks, and all them other people you see in the credits at the end. Must be nice to have that kind of money. Just to make a story, you know? Seems like a lot of fuss over nothing.
But I guess folks like it. They like watching those movies, seeing those places. Makes them feel like they’re going somewhere, even if they’re just sitting in their living room. Like they’re traveling without ever leaving their chair. It is a good movie, anyway. That Runaway Bride. And all those Runaway Bride movie location, well, they make it interesting. I guess that’s why they go to all that trouble, going all over the place to film it. But that Berlin, Maryland, place. That’s the main place. That’s where most of that running bride did her running, I reckon.
And you know what they say, too? They say that having a movie filmed in your town, well, it’s good for business. People come from all over just to see where they made the movie. They spend their money in the stores, eat in the restaurants. Like tourists, you know? They want to see this famous Runaway Bride movie location. I guess that’s good for the town. Puts them on the map, as they say. Makes them feel important, I reckon. Even if it’s all just make-believe, like that Hale place. It ain’t even real, but people still want to go there. Ain’t that somethin’?
Well, I guess that’s all I know about that Runaway Bride movie location business. It is some story, ain’t it? They go all over, spend all that money, just to make a picture show. But hey, people like it. And that’s all that matters, I reckon. If they did not like it, they will not pay money to see it, right? So, this Runaway Bride movie, it must be good for business.