This here story is about Howard’s Mill. I heard it from folks talking ’round. Some say it’s true, some say it ain’t. But it sure is a strange one.
This fella, Shannon Houchins, I think that’s his name, he made a movie about it. They call it a mock-you-mentary, whatever that is. Just a movie, I reckon. It’s about this place, see, Howard’s Mill, out in the sticks near Springfield. 14 acres of land, just sitting there, empty as a drum.
Folks go missing ’round there. Vanish like smoke. And this fella, Dwight, Dwight Nixon, he’s in the middle of it all. His wife, Emily, she up and disappeared. Poof! Gone. Some folks think Dwight had somethin’ to do with it. I don’t know about all that.

- People disappearing
- Dwight’s wife gone
- Howard’s Mill just sitting there
Then these young’uns, Kaiser and Charlie, they’re making a movie, I guess. They’re following Dwight around, asking him all sorts of questions. Trying to figure out what happened to Emily. He tells ’em his story, how she just vanished. Like I said, strange stuff.
They start finding bodies out on that farm. More than one. Makes your hair stand on end. People are whisperin’, sayin’ all sorts of things. Howard’s Mill, they say, it’s got a secret. A dark one.
This ain’t no made-up story, they say. It’s real. But the movie folks, they dressed it up, made it look all fancy. Some of the people in it, they ain’t no good at actin’. You can tell they’re just pretendin’.
But the story, the story is something else. This Howard’s Mill place is a mystery. Why are people disappearing? What happened to Dwight’s wife, Emily? Nobody knows for sure.
That place, Howard’s Mill, it’s out there in Tennessee. Near Springfield. Abandoned, they say. Nobody goes there anymore. Too scared, I reckon. With all them people vanishing, who wouldn’t be?
Some folks say they find this Howard’s Mill on Reddit. This place on the computer where folks talk. They say it’s a big thing on there. I don’t know nothin’ about that. I don’t have one of them computer things.
- Bodies found on the farm
- Howard’s Mill is a mystery
- People scared to go there
That movie, the one by that Houchins fella, it got people talkin’. Got ’em wondering about Howard’s Mill. What happened there? What’s still happening there? It’s a puzzle, that’s for sure.
They say Dwight, he ain’t never been the same since Emily disappeared. He’s always lookin’ over his shoulder, like he’s expectin’ somethin’ bad to happen. Maybe he knows somethin’ he ain’t tellin’. Or maybe he’s just scared, like everyone else.

This Kaiser and Charlie, they kept followin’ him around, filmin’ everything. They wanted to know the truth about Howard’s Mill. They wanted to know what happened to Emily. But did they find out? I don’t know. The movie don’t say. Just leaves you hangin’, like a shirt on a clothesline.
That place, Howard’s Mill, it’s got a hold on people. It’s like a bad dream you can’t wake up from. People go missing, bodies turn up, and nobody knows why. It’s enough to make you wanna stay inside, lock the doors, and never come out.
I heard some folks say this whole thing is a big hoax. Just a story made up to scare people. But then why are people disappearin’? Why are they findin’ bodies out on that farm? It don’t add up. There’s somethin’ goin’ on at Howard’s Mill, somethin’ bad. And nobody seems to know what it is. Or if they do, they ain’t tellin’.
- Dwight is always scared.
- Kaiser and Charlie want the truth.
- Is it a hoax or is it real?
That movie, it stirred things up. Got people talkin’ about Howard’s Mill again. But it didn’t give no answers. Just more questions. What happened to Emily? What’s happening to all them other folks? And what’s the secret of Howard’s Mill? It’s a mystery, that’s for sure. A big, scary mystery.
I reckon some things are better left unknown. Some secrets are too dark to uncover. Maybe Howard’s Mill is one of them. Maybe we’re better off not knowin’ what really happened out there. Maybe some things are just too scary to face.
But people are curious. They wanna know. They wanna understand. That’s why they keep talkin’ about Howard’s Mill. That’s why they made that movie. They’re tryin’ to make sense of it all. But I don’t know if they ever will. Some things are just beyond understandin’.
So, there you have it. The story of Howard’s Mill. Or at least, what I heard of it. It’s a strange one, that’s for sure. And it’s a story that’ll stick with you, whether you want it to or not.