Alright, so I watched this thing on that Netflix, yeah? It’s called “October Faction.” Don’t ask me why they call it that, sounds like some kinda fancy school thing to me. Anyways, it’s about these folks, the Allens, or somethin’ like that, and they hunt monsters.
Now, I ain’t never seen no monsters myself, ‘cept for that big ol’ tomcat that used to steal eggs from my henhouse, but these Allens, they see ’em all the time. Vampires, werewolves, all sorts of creepy crawlies. They got two kids too, twins, I think. One’s a girl, one’s a boy. They seem like normal kids, ‘cept for the whole monster-huntin’ thing.
- They got this kinda family business, see? Killin’ monsters, keepin’ the world safe, that sorta thing. But it ain’t all sunshine and roses, let me tell ya. They got secrets, these Allens. Big ones.
- And the monsters, well, they ain’t always what they seem neither. Some are bad, real bad, but some… well, some are just tryin’ to get by, just like the rest of us. Makes ya think, don’t it?
The show, it’s got magic and stuff too. Wands and spells and all that jazz. Reminds me a bit of that Harry Potter fella, though these Allens ain’t got no fancy school to go to. They learn on the job, I guess. Fightin’ monsters and slingin’ spells.

There’s this fella, Dr. Luther Swann, no wait, that’s another show. This one’s… well, the names don’t matter much, do they? It’s the story that counts. And this story, it’s got twists and turns like a country road. Just when you think you got it all figured out, bam! Something else happens. Someone you thought was good turns out to be bad, and someone you thought was bad, well, they might just surprise ya.
One thing I didn’t like, though, was how some things just… ended. Like, they’d start talkin’ about somethin’ important, and then, poof! Gone. Never mentioned again. It’s like they forgot about it or somethin’. Drives me nuts, that does. If you’re gonna tell a story, tell the whole darn story, right?
And the romance, oh boy. Kissin’ and huggin’ and whatnot. Even the same-sex kind. Not that I mind, mind you. Love is love, I always say. But it just seemed a bit… much sometimes. Like they were tryin’ too hard to be all modern and fancy.
Now, some folks say this show is like that “Supernatural” show, the one with the two brothers. I ain’t never seen that one, but I hear it’s pretty popular. And yeah, I can see the similarities, I guess. Monster huntin’, family secrets, all that. But this “October Faction,” it’s got its own thing goin’ on too.
They also talk about some twins, but they are black. I can’t remember their names right now, but it doesn’t matter, it’s just a side note. The thing is, there are many monsters in this show. It’s like every corner you turn, there’s another monster waiting to jump out at you. And the Allens, they gotta deal with ‘em all.
Overall, I’d say it’s a decent show. Not the best I’ve ever seen, but not the worst neither. It’s got action, it’s got magic, it’s got secrets and lies. It keeps ya guessin’, that’s for sure. And ain’t that what a good story is all about?
If you like monsters and magic and family drama, then you might like this “October Faction” thing. But don’t expect everything to be all tied up in a neat little bow at the end. ‘Cause it ain’t. Some things just… end. And you gotta be okay with that.
And that’s about all I gotta say about it. Go watch it yourself if you’re curious. Just don’t blame me if you don’t like it. I’m just tellin’ it like I see it, ya know?

Tags:[October Faction, Netflix, Supernatural Drama, Monster Hunters, Magic, Family Secrets, TV Review]