Okay, so I was browsing through Netflix the other day, looking for something to watch, and I stumbled upon “The Raid: Redemption.” Have you guys seen it? It’s this Indonesian action flick that’s just non-stop, balls-to-the-wall fighting. I mean, the action sequences are insane! I watched it, and I was like, “I need more of this in my life.”
So, I started digging around, trying to find movies that were similar. You know, that same kind of intense, close-quarters combat, with some killer choreography. I went down a rabbit hole of forums, blogs, and movie review sites, trying to gather recommendations.
It was a bit of a mess, to be honest. Lots of people throwing out names, some of which were way off base. But I did manage to put together a decent list of potential candidates. I figured, I gotta check these out and see if they scratch that same itch. The next logical step is to start watching them right? I spent a few evenings just binging these action movies.

The Watching Begins
- Dredd: This one kept popping up. It’s a futuristic, Judge Dredd movie, and man, it delivered. It’s got that same kind of contained, claustrophobic setting as The Raid, and the action is brutal and stylish.
- Headshot: Another Indonesian film. The main actor is from the Raid movies. The fights are so brutal. The action was non-stop and the violence was just over the top!
- Ong Bak: This is a Thai film, and it’s all about Muay Thai. The stunts are incredible, and there’s this raw, visceral energy to the fights. Tony Jaa is a beast. Totally recommend this one. It’s older but a total classic.
- Avengement: A British action movie starring Scott Adkins. It is a great revenge action movie. The fights are top-notch.
- The Night Comes for Us: I thought I watched most of the Indonesian action movies but I found another one! This one is just as good as The Raid and Headshot. Definitely check it out!
After watching all these, I felt pretty satisfied. I had my fill of action for a while. I can confirm that all of these movies do a good job of capturing at least some of the things that made The Raid so damn good. And I will say, I discovered some new favorites along the way. So, it was a win-win. If you guys are ever in the mood for some hardcore action, check out my recommendations. You will enjoy it!