You know, I been watchin’ a lot of them movin’ pictures lately. That “News of the World,” that one stuck with me. That fella, Tom Hanks, he’s a good egg. Reminds me of my late husband, bless his soul. Always doin’ right by folks. So, I got to thinkin’, what other movies like News of the World are out there? I like them stories, you know, the ones that make you feel somethin’.
That “News of the World,” it was about that old Captain and that little girl. They was travelin’ all over, readin’ the news to folks. Reminds me of the time my old man used to read the paper out loud to us after supper. Them was simpler times. Nowadays, folks got their faces glued to them little light-up boxes. Don’t even talk to each other no more. It is a shame.
So, I asked around, and I did some lookin’ on that there internet. Found a few that might be worth a gander, if you like that “News of the World” like I do.

First off, there’s one called, “Into the Wild“. It is about some young buck, just up and leaves everything behind. Goes off into the wilderness. Sounds kinda crazy, don’t it? But I reckon sometimes you just gotta get away from it all. Find yourself. Maybe that’s what that young fella was doin’.
- That one sounds like it’s got some nice scenery, too. Just like “News of the World.”
- I like a movie with some good scenery.
- Makes you feel like you’re right there.
Then there’s this other one, somethin’ about a “Pianist“. Now, I ain’t much for that fancy music, but this one’s supposed to be real good. Got lots of them stars and whatnot on that internet ratin’ thing. Folks say it’s a tearjerker, though. So, you might need a hanky for that one. I don’t know much about it. I will watch it.
I seen another one called, “Take Shelter“. It was a good movie. This fella, he’s got a wife and kid, seems like he has some visions. Thinks a big storm is comin’. Starts buildin’ a shelter and all that. Folks think he’s gone loony. But maybe he knows somethin’ they don’t. Makes you think, don’t it? That is what it is all about. I do not know when it happened. I was dozing off.
Oh, and there’s a bunch of ’em, that “Kill Your Darlings,” “The History Boys,” “Wonder Boys,” “Maurice,” and “The Dreamers“. I don’t know nothin’ about those ones. The names sure are somethin’, though. Maybe they’re good, maybe they ain’t. You’d have to watch ’em yourself and see.
There is this other one that some folks was talkin’ about, called, “The New World“. It is about the land and nature, I guess. They say it’s real pretty, just like “News of the World” in some ways. Same fella made another one called, “The Thin Red Line“. Might be worth a look-see. They are just like “News of the World”.
And then there are them, what do you call ’em, “anthology” movies. That just means it’s a bunch of little movies all stuck together. Like a quilt, I reckon. Each one different, but they all kinda fit. I ain’t seen none of them, but I suppose they could be interestin’. It just depends on what you’re in the mood for.
See, there’s a whole heap of movies like News of the World out there. You just gotta know where to look. And sometimes, you just gotta take a chance on somethin’ new. You might be surprised what you find. I really liked that movie. The old guy and the little girl, they were so sweet together. Made me think about my own grandkids. I sure do miss ’em. Kids are so great. They always know how to make you smile, even when you’re feelin’ down.
I remember one time, my grandson, he was just a little tyke, maybe four or five years old. He came up to me and he said, “Grandma, I love you more than all the stars in the sky.” Well, that just melted my heart. I hugged him so tight. Kids, they say the darndest things.

You know, watchin’ these movies, it makes me think about life. How it’s all connected, like them threads in a quilt. We all got our own stories, our own journeys. And sometimes, them stories cross paths, just like that Captain and that little girl in “News of the World”. It was a movie. It is good to watch.
It is just like life. You meet all kinds of folks along the way. Some good, some bad. But they all leave their mark on you, one way or another. Just like these movies. They stay with you, even after the credits roll. It is good to have someone to talk to. I like talkin’ to you. You are a good listener. I appreciate that.