This here thing about Michelle Burney release date, it’s a real head-scratcher, I tell ya. That girl, Michelle, she got herself into a mess, a real bad one. I heard she was mixed up with some fella, Michael Richardson, young’un, only 18, and her own mama, Patricia. Seems like they was all in cahoots ’bout somethin’ awful. They got locked up, all of ’em, for doin’ somethin’ terrible to Arthur Burney, poor soul. He was Patricia’s husband and Michelle’s daddy. Found him shot dead in a barn, can you imagine? Back in 2011, this was, February 18th, right near his own house in Coweta.
Now, this Michael fella, he said Patricia and Michelle Burney, they paid him to kill Arthur. Paid him a measly $6,000, if you can believe that. Six thousand dollars to take a life. Lord have mercy. They said it was murder, first-degree, that’s the worst kind. Michelle, she was just a girl, really. They sent her off to one of them juvenile places. Heard she was involved, somehow. They all got arrested around March, 2011.
Patricia, she got the worst of it. Jury said life without parole, no gettin’ out, ever. That’s a long time to think about what you done. Michelle Burney release date ain’t somethin’ they talk about much. She might be out now, might not. Hard to say with these young folks. OSBI, they were involved, some big shot investigation folks. They know all the details. It was a story on the TV, too. “Murder Calls” it was called. You can look that up somewhere. That Michael, he got 28 years. Second degree murder, that’s what they called it for him. Less than Patricia, but still a long time.

That Arthur Burney, he was 53, not old, not young. Gone too soon, that’s for sure. Killed by his own family, near as I can figure. What a world, what a world. Nobody talks about Michelle much no more, ‘specially not about when she might be gettin’ out. Michelle Burney release date is a secret, seems like. Her boyfriend, that Michael, his next court date was supposed to be May 14th, but that was a long time ago, too. He’s probably still locked up, I reckon.
- Arthur Burney, 53 years old, shot dead.
- Patricia Burney, life without parole.
- Michael Richardson, 28 years in prison.
- Michelle Burney release date, nobody knows for sure.
- $6,000, that’s what they said the price was.
It’s a sad story, all around. Makes you wonder what goes on in people’s hearts. Why would a family do somethin’ like that? Six thousand dollars ain’t much when you think about a life. And a young girl, gettin’ mixed up in somethin’ so dark. I just don’t understand it.
Heard some folks talking about somethin’ called “The Later Daters,” some show on Netflix. Comes out November 29th, they say. Eight episodes, all at once. Nothin’ to do with this Burney mess, but it’s somethin’ to watch, I guess. It’s not related to Michelle Burney release date. This is different.
This whole thing with Michelle Burney, it’s just a shame. That poor man, Arthur. And that girl, throwin’ her life away like that. It’s enough to make you cry. I hope she learned her lesson, whatever it was. Hope she finds some peace, somehow. It’s all just a big mess, that’s what it is. A big, sad mess. And that Michelle Burney release date, well, it’s just another part of the mystery, I suppose.
That Michael boy said they hired him, Patricia and Michelle both, hired him to kill Arthur. Paid him cash money. It’s all hard to believe, ain’t it? A mother and daughter, doing something like that to their own kin. It just makes you shake your head.
Don’t know what else to say about it, really. It’s all just a tragedy. They say time heals all wounds, but I don’t know. Some things, they just stick with you. This Michelle Burney release date thing, it just keeps comin’ back to me. Makes me wonder what this world is comin’ to.