Alright, so you’re lookin’ for some shows like that Walker Texas Ranger, huh? That Chuck Norris fella, always kickin’ and punchin’. I tell ya, my old man used to love that show. Always sat there glued to the TV, grumbling about how things ain’t like they used to be. Anyways, you want somethin’ similar, right? Somethin’ with some action, some good guys beatin’ up the bad guys. I gotcha covered.
First off, there’s this new Walker show. Yeah, they made it again, but with a younger fella. This one’s about a fella who lost his wife and he’s got kids and he’s a ranger, you know, like Chuck, but different. It’s got the action, but it’s also got all this family drama, kids cryin’ and stuff. My niece watches it, says it’s pretty good, but I dunno, seems a bit too sappy for me sometimes.
Then there’s this Hawaii Five-O show. Now, that one’s got some real pretty scenery, all them beaches and sunshine. It’s about a bunch of cops, special ones, like a team, and they catch bad guys and solve crimes. Lots of shootin’ and chasin’ cars, that kind of stuff. Reminds me a bit of Walker, but with more water and less horses, you know what I mean? They had that show on for a long time, so there’s plenty to watch if you like it.

And if you want somethin’ a bit more… how do I say it… gritty, there’s this show called Justified. This one’s about a U.S. Marshal, a real tough guy who ain’t afraid to bend the rules a bit. He’s got a quick draw and a mean glare. Now, this one’s set in Kentucky, so no cowboys and horses like Walker, but it’s got the same kinda feel, you know? A good guy doing what he gotta do, even if it ain’t always pretty.
- There’s also this show, Lethal Weapon, I think it’s called. Two cops, one’s crazy and one’s old, or somethin’ like that. They fight a lot, but they get the job done. Lots of explosions and shootouts, real loud and messy, you know, the kind of stuff that makes you jump.
- And another one, MacGyver. This fella, he can fix anything with nothin’. Like, he’ll use a paperclip and some gum to make a bomb or somethin’. It’s not always about fightin’, but he’s always savin’ the day, just like Walker. Smart fella, that MacGyver.
Now, I ain’t watched all these shows myself, mind you. I got my soaps and my game shows, that’s enough for me. But I hear folks talkin’ and these are the ones they mention when they talk about shows like Walker Texas Ranger. They all got that action, that good versus evil thing goin’ on.
So, you go on and try ’em out, see what you like. Maybe you’ll find somethin’ new you love, maybe you’ll just stick with the classics. Either way, it’s your TV, you watch what you wanna watch. Just don’t stay up too late, you need your rest, especially at your age… well, at any age, really. Sleep’s important, you know. Just like eatin’ your vegetables and callin’ your mother. Now, where’d I put that remote…?
Anyways, I hope that helps ya find some good shows. Remember, watchin’ too much TV ain’t good for ya, get outside and get some fresh air every now and then. And don’t forget to call your grandma, she worries about you. Now, I’m gonna go make myself a cup of tea. All this talkin’ has made me thirsty.
Oh, and one more thing, if you see Chuck Norris, tell him I said hi. He seems like a nice fella, even if he does kick a lot of people.
Tags: [Walker, Texas Ranger, Action Shows, TV Shows, Cordell Walker, Hawaii Five-O, Justified, Lethal Weapon, MacGyver, Reboot]