Alright, alright, settle down now, let me tell ya ’bout them movies like that 21 Jump Street. You know, the one with them funny fellas pretending to be young’uns again? Yeah, that one. It’s a hoot, I tell ya. But you seen it a bunch, right? So, you want somethin’ similar, somethin’ that’ll make ya belly laugh just the same.
Well, there’s a whole mess of ’em out there, they say. I ain’t counted myself, mind you. Someone told me there’s like, a whole lot, 70 somethin’ movies like it. Lordy, that’s a heap of movies! Now, I ain’t seen all them, not by a long shot. But I seen a few, and I heard tell of others.
One they talk about is this Superbad movie. Came out a while back, 2007 I think it was. Got that Jonah Hill fella in it, he’s a funny one. And that Michael Cera boy too, kinda awkward, you know? It’s about these high school kids trying to get booze for a party. Sounds silly, and it is, but in a good way. Lots of laughin’, lots of foolishness. Reminds me of them Jump Street boys and their shenanigans.

Now, if you like that undercover stuff, you know, pretending to be someone you ain’t, there’s others too. They say on that Netflix thing, and that Amazon place, they got lists of ’em. Movies similar, they call it. I ain’t got no Netflix myself, too fancy for me. But my grandkid, she’s always on it. She tells me these things. She says you can find movies about cops goin’ undercover in schools, in gangs, all sorts of places.
- Undercover Cops: That’s what them Jump Street boys are, ain’t they? Cops pretending to be kids. So, look for movies with that kinda thing. Cops in high school, cops in college, you get the picture.
- Buddy Comedies: You know, two fellas, or two gals even, teaming up, causing trouble, but also catchin’ the bad guys. That’s a big part of what makes Jump Street so fun, them two boys bickerin’ and carryin’ on.
- Funny Business: It gotta be funny, right? Ain’t no point watchin’ somethin’ if it don’t make ya laugh. So, look for them comedies, them silly movies with folks fallin’ down and makin’ fools of themselves. That’s the good stuff.
They got all sorts of names for these movies, they do. “Movies like 21 Jump Street,” “Jump Drive,” all kinda things. Don’t get bogged down in the names, just look for the funny. Look for the cops, or the regular folks, pretending to be somethin’ they ain’t. That’s the ticket.
And listen here, if you find a good one, you tell me about it. I’m always lookin’ for somethin’ to watch on a Saturday night, somethin’ that’ll make me forget about the aches and pains of gettin’ old. You know, somethin’ like that 21 Jump Street. That one’s a keeper, it is. But there’s more out there, I know it. Just gotta find ’em, that’s all.
So, to recap now, if you want a movie like 21 Jump Street, you gotta look for these things:
1. Undercover cops, or people pretending to be somebody else. That’s the main thing.
2. It gotta be funny. Like, real funny. Make you snort your tea kinda funny.
3. Two fellas, or gals, workin’ together is always a good sign. Like them Jump Street fellas.
And don’t forget that Superbad movie, that’s a good place to start. It ain’t exactly the same, mind you, but it’s got that same kinda funny spirit. And ain’t that what we’re all lookin’ for? A good laugh, a bit of foolishness, and a movie that makes you forget your troubles for a while. That’s what them Jump Street movies do, and that’s what these other movies should do too. So go on now, find yourself a good one, and enjoy. And don’t forget to tell your old granny about it, you hear?

Now, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about movies has made me hungry. But you remember what I said, and you go find yourself a good movie. You deserve it.