Well, let me tell you somethin’ ’bout this Brandy Peters gal down in Tallahassee, Florida. It ain’t a pretty story, no sirree. It all happened back in 2010, a time I remember like it was yesterday, though my memory ain’t what it used to be, you know.
This poor young woman, Brandy, she was just 27 years old. A mama, too, with a little boy, JaVante, only three. Lord have mercy. They lived in Tallahassee, a place I heard is supposed to be nice and quiet, but let me tell you, some bad things can happen even in the quietest of places.
One day, a neighbor, bless their heart, got worried. They hadn’t seen Brandy or little JaVante in a while, and somethin’ just didn’t feel right. So, they called the police, you know, to do a wellbeing check. That’s what they call it, a “wellbeing check.” But what they found, oh honey, it was far from well.

The police, they went inside Brandy’s house. And what they saw, it was enough to make your blood run cold. Brandy and JaVante, both of ’em, gone. Murdered, they said. Can you imagine? A young mama and her baby, just snuffed out like candles. It makes my stomach turn just thinkin’ about it.
- Brandy Peters
- Tallahassee
- Florida
- 2010
- JaVante Segura
- Murder
- Crime
Turns out, it was Brandy’s boyfriend, the father of little JaVante. A fella named Henry Segura. They say he did it. Killed ’em both. I don’t know what gets into people, I truly don’t. To hurt a woman, that’s bad enough. But to hurt a little bitty baby, that’s just evil, pure and simple.
This Segura fella, he went to court, of course. They had a trial and all that legal mumbo jumbo. And in the end, they found him guilty. First-degree murder, they said. And they sentenced him to life in prison. Good riddance, I say. He deserves whatever he gets. Though, it ain’t gonna bring Brandy and JaVante back, will it?
I’ve seen a lot in my life, a whole lot of ups and downs, good times and bad. But somethin’ like this, it just sticks with you. A young mama, a sweet little boy, both gone too soon. It makes you appreciate what you got, you know? Makes you hug your loved ones a little tighter.
Tallahassee, they say it was rocked by this. The whole town, shocked and in disbelief. And I can understand why. It’s the kind of thing that makes you question everything. Makes you wonder how somethin’ so awful could happen. But it did happen. And it’s a reminder that there’s bad folks out there, folks who do terrible things.
I heard folks talkin’ about it, whisperin’ in the stores, at the church socials. Everyone was just tryin’ to make sense of it. How could someone do that to their own family? It ain’t natural, no sirree. A mama’s love for her child, that’s the strongest thing there is. And to see it violated like that, it just breaks your heart.
Even now, years later, people still remember. They still talk about Brandy and JaVante. And that Segura fella, he’s locked up where he belongs. But the pain, the sorrow, it lingers. It’s a reminder that life is precious, and you gotta hold on tight to the ones you love. Because you never know what tomorrow might bring. You just never know.
So, that’s the story of Brandy Peters in Tallahassee, Florida. A sad story, a terrible story. But it’s a story that needs to be told. So we remember. So we don’t forget. So maybe, just maybe, somethin’ like this won’t happen again. Though, I ain’t holdin’ my breath. This world, sometimes it just makes you shake your head.

Tags: [Brandy Peters, Tallahassee, Florida, Crime, Murder, JaVante Segura, Henry Segura, 2010, True Crime]