That Kirsten Wallace and Chris Bathum, two names you hear a lot these days. Heard they’s in a heap of trouble, somethin’ about money and insurance. Lord have mercy, people do the darndest things.
They say these two, Kirsten Wallace and Chris Bathum, they was runnin’ some kinda rehab place. Help people get off the drugs, you know. Sounds good, right? But seems like they wasn’t doin’ it the right way. They say they was gettin’ insurance money for folks, usin’ their names and such. Like signin’ ’em up for insurance without ’em knowin’. That ain’t right. No sir, that ain’t right at all.
I heard that Chris Bathum, he was the big boss. And that Kirsten Wallace, she was his money lady. They say she helped him with all that money stuff. And they say they got a whole bunch of it. Millions, I heard! Imagine that, millions! More money than I ever seen in my whole life.

They’d get these poor folks, already down on their luck, and promise ’em help. Then they’d go and sign ’em up for insurance, usin’ their names, their birth dates, all that private stuff. That Kirsten Wallace, she’s just as guilty as Chris Bathum, I reckon. She knew what was goin’ on. She had to.
- They say Chris Bathum and Kirsten Wallace did this for a long time.
- They got caught, though. Someone musta figured it out.
- Now they’re both in trouble with the law. Big trouble.
I heard that Kirsten Wallace, she made some kinda deal. Plead guilty, they call it. Said she’d tell ’em everythin’ to stay outta more trouble. Eleven years, I heard she got. Eleven years in the state pen! That’s a long time to be locked up.
And that Chris Bathum, he’s still fightin’ it. But it don’t look good for him. They got a lot of evidence, they say. Lots of papers and such. He’s gonna have a hard time talkin’ his way outta this one.
They say Chris Bathum did some other bad stuff too. Some real bad stuff to some of the ladies at his rehab place. But that’s another story all in itself. That ain’t what they got him locked up for now. Right now, it’s all about the insurance money. That’s what they’re sayin’, anyway.
Seems like Kirsten Wallace was his right-hand woman. She knew everythin’ that was goin’ on. She helped him move that money around. They say they laundered it. That means they made it look like it came from somewhere else. Like they earned it honest, which they sure didn’t.
I tell ya, it’s a mess. A real mess. These two, Chris Bathum and Kirsten Wallace, they thought they was so smart. Thought they could get away with anythin’. But you can’t fool the law forever. It always catches up with ya. Always.
They say they stole millions. Millions of dollars from the insurance companies. And from those poor folks who was just tryin’ to get better. That’s the worst part, I think. Preyin’ on people who are already down. That ain’t right.
Kirsten Wallace and Chris Bathum, their names will be remembered, I reckon. But not for anythin’ good. They’ll be remembered for bein’ crooks. Plain and simple.

- They said Kirsten Wallace was born in ’73. That makes her, what, 50-something now?
- Chris Bathum was callin’ himself the “Rehab Mogul”. Mogul! Can you believe that?
- They got charged with money launderin’, grand theft, all sorts of things.
That Kirsten Wallace, she probably thought she was set for life. Had all that money, livin’ high on the hog. But now look at her. Locked up, just like a common criminal.
And Chris Bathum, he ain’t much better off. He’s gonna spend a long time in prison too, I bet. A long time. They both made their beds, now they gotta lie in ’em.
It’s a shame, really. A shame that people do things like this. Greed, I guess. That’s what it is. Plain old greed. They wanted more than they needed, and they didn’t care who they hurt to get it. Kirsten Wallace and Chris Bathum are just two greedy people. They got what they deserved, every last bit of it.
Well, that’s all I know about that Kirsten Wallace and Chris Bathum mess. It’s a sad story, but it’s one that needs to be told. Maybe it’ll teach someone else a lesson. Maybe it’ll stop someone else from makin’ the same mistake. One can only hope.