Well, let me tell you somethin’ about this Jerry Scott Heidler fella. Folks been askin’ if he’s still kickin’, and it ain’t a simple yes or no answer, ya know? It’s a whole heap of trouble, that’s what it is.
I heard tell he did some real bad things, somethin’ awful. Shot a woman, they say, right in the back of the head. Lord have mercy! Just like that, snuffed out her life. Killed her dead, no question about it. Then there was somethin’ about another fella, Mr. Daniels, I think they called him. Seems Heidler thought he’d finished him off too, but the poor man was still breathin’, just barely.

- He shot a woman.
- Mr. Daniels was also shot, but survived.
- It all sounds like a terrible mess.
Now, I ain’t no lawyer or nothin’, but I heard tell they caught Heidler and locked him up. And that’s where things get kinda complicated. They put him in jail, right? But then there’s all this legal mumbo jumbo, talkin’ about “petitions” and “certiorari” and whatnot. Sounds like he’s been tryin’ to get out, filin’ papers and such.
They say he wanted more time to file somethin’, some kinda appeal I reckon. Wanted it pushed back from January to February, just this year, 2024 it was. See, they give you these dates, deadlines they call ’em, and if you miss ’em, well, you’re outta luck. So, he was askin’ for more time, tryin’ to wiggle outta whatever fix he’s in.
So, is he alive? Well, last I heard he was. Seein’ as how he was filin’ them papers and all, he had to be breathin’ and thinkin’, right? Jail or no jail, he’s still amongst the livin’. But alive ain’t the same as free, that’s for sure.
This whole thing makes my head spin. Killin’ and courts and legal papers… it ain’t right, none of it. Makes you wonder what goes on in some folks’ heads, what makes ’em do such terrible things. And then they spend all their time tryin’ to get outta the mess they made, instead of just facin’ up to it.
I tell ya, it’s a sorry state of affairs. A woman lost her life, a man nearly did, and this Heidler fella, he’s sittin’ in jail, fightin’ the law. And folks are left wonderin’ if he’s alive or dead, like it’s some kinda mystery. Well, he’s alive, last I heard. But that don’t make things right, not by a long shot. Makes you appreciate the simple things in life, you know? Like a warm cup of coffee and a sunny day. Things Jerry Scott Heidler probably ain’t got much of these days.
Anyways, that’s the story as I know it. Not pretty, not happy, but that’s life sometimes. Just a whole heap of trouble, from start to finish. And if you ask me, justice needs to be served, plain and simple. No amount of paper filin’ and legal wranglin’ can change what he did. He needs to pay for his sins, that’s all there is to it. Whether he’s alive or not in the long run, well, that’s in God’s hands now.
Tags: [Jerry Scott Heidler, crime, legal, court, appeal, alive, prison, justice, murder, sentence]