So, I’ve been rewatching “Stranger Things” again. I know, I know, it’s like the fifth time, but hear me out! I got curious this time about something called the “Bechdel test” and whether our beloved show passes it. I first heard this test from someone online, but I don’t care about where I heard it, just want to know the result.
First, I needed to actually understand what the heck this test is. I did some digging, and it turns out it’s a way to see if a movie or show has decent female characters. They say it tests the female character, but I think it’s too simple. Basically, there are two simple questions: Does it have at least two named female characters? And do they talk to each other about something other than a man?
With the rules clear, I started analyzing “Stranger Things.” I grabbed my notebook, a big bag of chips, and started from season one. I paid extra attention to the scenes with Eleven, Max, Nancy, Joyce, and Robin, and those female characters.

- I listed every scene where two or more of these characters interacted.
- Then, I noted down what they talked about. Was it a guy? Or something else?
It got pretty intense. I was pausing, rewinding, and scribbling notes like a madman. My room was a mess of papers and chip crumbs. But I had to know!
After hours of this, I finally had my answer. Most of the time, these awesome female characters in “Stranger Things” are talking about, you know, saving the world from demogorgons, figuring out the mysteries of the Upside Down, or dealing with their own personal struggles. Sure, there are moments where they talk about boys, like when Max and Eleven discuss relationships, but it’s not the only thing they talk about.
So, does “Stranger Things” pass the Bechdel test? In my book, heck yeah! It passes! There are some scenes that might be borderline, but overall, the show does a pretty good job of having female characters who are more than just love interests or damsels in distress. And that, my friends, is something to celebrate! Some people say this test can’t be used to judge the media, but I don’t know what they are talking about.
Anyway, that’s my little adventure with the Bechdel test and “Stranger Things.” It was a fun way to rewatch the show and think about it in a new way. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go clean up this mess and maybe watch another episode… for research purposes, of course!