Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this Sapphire Cove Island. Folks keep jabberin’ on about it, is it real, is it not? I heard some sayin’ it ain’t nothin’ but a made-up place, somethin’ cooked up in someone’s head. They say there ain’t no real proof it’s out there, you know, like a real piece of land you can stomp on.
But then, you hear other stories, different whispers. Some folks, they swear up and down it’s a real spot, a place called Kaiholena, up there in North Kohala. Heard tell it’s in Hawaii. Said it’s a real purdy place, but gettin’ there ain’t no walk in the park. You gotta have some grit, they say. Takes a bit of determination to find it, like huntin’ for a lost hen in the tall grass. And even then, some folks say it ain’t all that great, got mixed reviews, you know, like some folks like it, some don’t.
Now, this Kaiholena, or Sapphire Cove as some call it, they say it’s hidden away between mile markers 11 and 12 on the Big Island. Gotta take a bumpy ol’ dirt road to get there. Sounds like a chore, if you ask me. But some folks, they like that kinda thing, adventurin’ and all. Heard tell there’s all sorts of fish there too, big ones, swimmin’ around. Makes you wonder if it’s worth the trouble, all that bumpin’ and shakin’ on that dirt road.

- Some folks even talk about maps, special maps showin’ you around Sapphire Cove, like it’s some kinda fancy resort. Talk about famous spots, and maybe some not-so-famous ones too, the kind they don’t want you to know about.
- Then there’s talk about this Sapphire Cove bein’ a real rugged place, with lots of big fish and all. Makes me think of them fellas who like to go fishin’, castin’ their lines and hopin’ for a big catch.
- And wouldn’t you know it, some say this Sapphire Cove is over on Maui, another one of them Hawaiian islands. It’s enough to make your head spin, all these different places they say it is.
Now, I ain’t never been to Hawaii myself, but I heard tell of other islands, like Fiji. They say it’s a real paradise, with beaches so pretty they make you wanna cry. And fancy resorts, fit for kings and queens, they say. Volcano islands too, with landscapes that’ll knock your socks off. Makes you think maybe this Sapphire Cove is somethin’ like that, a real special place.
Then you got folks talkin’ about Greece, places like Crete and Naxos. Say them’s good places for families, with nice beaches and hotels where you can take the whole crew. Makes a body wonder if this Sapphire Cove, wherever it is, is good for families too, or if it’s just for them adventurous types.
So, is this Sapphire Cove real? Well, it seems like it depends on who you ask. Some say it ain’t nothin’ but a story, others say it’s a real place, but they can’t even agree on where it is. Maybe it’s one place, maybe it’s many, or maybe it’s just a figment of people’s imaginations. I reckon it don’t much matter, as long as folks keep dreamin’ and talkin’ about it. Keeps life interestin’, you know?
If you ask me, it’s like one of them stories folks tell around the campfire, gets bigger and better with each tellin’. Maybe it’s real somewhere, maybe it ain’t. But it sure makes for a good yarn, don’t it? Makes ya think about faraway places, and adventures waitin’ just around the corner. And that, my friend, ain’t such a bad thing at all.
Tags: [Sapphire Cove, Kaiholena, Hawaii, Island, Real, Myth, Travel, North Kohala, Big Island, Maui, Fiji, Greece]