Fans of Tinto Brass! Discover Similar Directors and Their Best Erotic Movies.

Fans of Tinto Brass! Discover Similar Directors and Their Best Erotic Movies.

Okay, so the other day I was down a rabbit hole, trying to find some good, trashy movies to watch. You know, the kind that are so bad they’re good? I stumbled upon Tinto Brass, and man, that guy is something else. But it got me thinking, who else out there is making movies like this?

So, I started digging. First, I just typed “Tinto Brass similar directors” into the search bar. Simple enough, right?

The results were kinda all over the place. Some names I recognized, some I didn’t. I made a list of the ones that popped up most often:

Fans of Tinto Brass! Discover Similar Directors and Their Best Erotic Movies.
  • Jess Franco
  • Jean Rollin
  • Radley Metzger
  • Just Jaeckin

I jotted down these names and then started looking into each one individually. I wanted to get a feel for their style, their most famous movies, that sort of thing.

I started with Jess Franco, cause his name came up a lot. Turns out, this guy made, like, a million movies! Lots of low-budget stuff, lots of…well, let’s just say “adult themes.” Definitely in the same ballpark as Tinto Brass. I marked him down as a “yes.”

Next, I checked out Jean Rollin. His stuff was a bit more…artsy, I guess? More vampires and surreal imagery. Still pretty out there, but not quite as “in your face” as Brass. I put him down as a “maybe.”

Then I moved on to Radley Metzger. This guy seemed to be a bit more polished, maybe a little more mainstream, but still with that same kind of…sensual vibe. I figured he was worth checking out, so I added him to the “yes” list.

Finally, I looked into Just Jaeckin. He’s the guy who directed Emmanuelle, which I’d heard of before. Seemed like a good fit, so I added him to the “yes” list too.

My Final Decision

So, after all that digging, I ended up with a pretty solid list of directors to explore if I wanted more of that Tinto Brass vibe. Jess Franco and Radley Metzger were at the top of my list, with Just Jaeckin as a close second. Jean Rollin, was on my maybe list, I might get to try him somedays.