Alright, so you’re lookin’ for movies like that Erin Brockovich one, huh? That one with Julia Roberts playin’ that tough woman. I tell ya, that movie was somethin’ else. A real spitfire, that lady was.
Movies About Fightin’ the Big Guys
You know, movies where the little guy takes on the big, mean corporations? Yeah, those are the good ones. Makes you wanna stand up and cheer, even if you’re just sittin’ on your couch. So, if you liked seein’ Erin stick it to those polluters, you might like these other ones too.

- Dark Waters: Now, this one’s kinda like Erin Brockovich, but it’s got Mark Ruffalo in it. He’s a lawyer, see, and he’s fightin’ a big chemical company that’s been poisonin’ folks. It’s a tough watch, mind you, not as much fun as Erin Brockovich, but it’s important. It shows you how these big companies try to sweep things under the rug, and how hard it is to fight ’em.
- A Civil Action: Another one with lawyers. This time, John Travolta is fightin’ for families whose kids got sick from contaminated water. Same kinda deal, you know? Big companies thinkin’ they can get away with anythin’, and regular folks havin’ to fight for justice. It ain’t easy, and they lose some battles, but they keep on fightin’.
Strong Women Kickin’ Butt
Erin Brockovich, she was somethin’ special, wasn’t she? A single mom, no fancy education, but she had guts. And smarts too, don’t let nobody tell you different. If you like movies about strong women, women who don’t back down, well, here’s a couple more for ya.
North Country: Charlize Theron, she’s a miner, workin’ in a man’s world. And those men, they ain’t always nice. She has to fight for respect and for her rights. It’s tough, seein’ what she goes through, but she’s tough too. She doesn’t let ’em break her. This movie, it shows you what women have to put up with sometimes, just to make a livin’.
Norma Rae: This one’s an older movie, with Sally Field. She’s workin’ in a textile mill, and the conditions are terrible. She decides to fight for a union, to make things better for everyone. It’s a real David and Goliath story, and Sally Field, she’s just wonderful in it. She shows you that even a little person can make a big difference.
Movies about Justice
Sometimes, you just want to see the good guys win, you know? See the bad guys get what’s comin’ to ’em. Erin Brockovich, that was a victory for the little people. And there are other movies that give you that same feelin’.
- Marshall: This one’s about Thurgood Marshall, before he was a Supreme Court Justice. He was a lawyer, travelin’ around the country, defendin’ black folks who were wrongly accused of crimes. It’s a powerful movie, and it shows you how much he fought for justice.
- The Unforgivable: Now this one is with Sandra Bullock. She plays a woman getting out of jail after a long time, and she’s tryin’ to rebuild her life. It’s about second chances, forgiveness and finding peace, you know, after doin’ somethin’ real bad. It ain’t exactly the same as Erin Brockovich but it has that feelin’ of fightin’ for somethin’.
Where to Find These Movies
Now, where can you watch these movies? Well, some of ’em are on Netflix, that’s for sure. You can also find ’em on Amazon, iTunes, and those other places. Just gotta search around a bit. Or you could go to the library, they still got movies there, you know. Good for you if you can figure out all that newfangled technology, I still like the old ways myself. But young folks like you, you’re good at that stuff.

Movies with grit and people you can root for
Look, these movies ain’t all sunshine and roses, same as life ain’t. But they show you people fightin’ for what’s right, even when it’s hard. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose, but they don’t give up. They keep on keepin’ on. And that’s what matters, ain’t it? And like Erin Brockovich, these movies are about more than just winnin’ or losin’. They are about findin’ your voice, and standin’ up for what you believe in.
Movies with Heart
So there you have it. A few movies that are kinda like that Erin Brockovich one. Movies about fightin’ the big guys, strong women, and gettin’ justice. Movies that make you think, and make you feel. Movies with heart. Go on, give ’em a watch. You might just find somethin’ you like.
Tags: Erin Brockovich, movies like Erin Brockovich, strong women movies, legal drama, justice movies, Netflix movies, Amazon movies, movie recommendations, Dark Waters, A Civil Action, North Country, Norma Rae, Marshall, The Unforgivable