Alright, let me tell ya ’bout this Deep Dark Movie, or whatever they call it. I ain’t no fancy movie critic, ya hear? Just a plain ol’ person tryin’ to make sense of it all.
So, this movie, it starts way back when, like in 1856 or somethin’. These fellas, miners they was, diggin’ in the ground, lookin’ for gold or whatever they look for. And then, bam! Somethin’ weird happens, a creature or somethin’, and boom! They’re stuck underground. Scary stuff, I tell ya.
Then, poof! We’re jumpin’ ahead, a whole hundred years to 1956. Now, that’s a long time, even for my old bones to remember. Anyways, there’s this girl, Lennon, and she’s all excited ’bout bein’ a ranger in some park, Arvores National Park, they call it. But folks, they ain’t too friendly to her, treatin’ her like she don’t belong. Reminds me of when I first moved to the village, folks starin’ and whisperin’. Hmph!

What’s this movie all about, you ask? Well, it’s kinda dark, ya know? Not like the lights are off, but dark in the heart. It’s got all this stuff about bein’ scared, and doin’ the right thing, and maybe not knowin’ what the right thing even is. Like, should you run away from that scary creature or try to help it? I dunno, I ain’t never met no creature, thank the good Lord.
- Scary Stuff: It’s got things that make you jump, ya know? Like that creature in the mine. Makes you think about what’s hidin’ in the dark.
- Sad Stuff: Folks ain’t always nice to each other in this movie. Makes you think about how we treat folks, ya know?
- Confusin’ Stuff: Sometimes you don’t know what’s goin’ on, and that’s okay. Life’s like that sometimes, ain’t it?
There’s another fella, Amir, too. He wakes up in his room, all the way over in Morocco. Now, I ain’t never been to Morocco, but I heard it’s far, far away. Don’t rightly know how he fits into the whole thing, but I guess he’s important somehow.
This “Lovely, Dark and Deep” part, they talk about fear. Fear, that’s somethin’ we all know, right? Like when you hear a noise in the night, or when you see a snake in the garden. Fear keeps us safe, they say, but sometimes it makes us do stupid things too. Like that girl Lennon, maybe she’s scared of not fittin’ in, or maybe she’s scared of that creature, or maybe she’s scared of herself, who knows?
And that deer… what’s that about? They say it means somethin’ for Lennon. Maybe it’s a sign, or maybe it’s just a deer. Animals, they’re important, ya know. They were here before us, and they’ll be here after we’re gone. We gotta respect ’em.
So, what’s the deal with the deep dark? I reckon it’s about all the things we don’t understand, all the things that scare us, all the things we keep hidin’ inside. It’s about the dark parts of ourselves, and the dark parts of the world. And maybe, just maybe, it’s about findin’ a little bit of light in all that darkness. That’s what I think, anyways.
This movie, it ain’t no happy-go-lucky thing, that’s for sure. It makes you think, and it makes you feel. And sometimes, that’s all a movie needs to do. It ain’t perfect, mind you. Like that fella said, maybe they coulda made it feel more… claustrophobic, like you was really stuck in that mine with them fellas. But overall, it’s a good movie, a thinkin’ movie. Makes you wonder what’s really out there in the dark and in our own hearts.
Anyways, that’s my take on it. Take it or leave it, I don’t care. I’m just an old woman who’s seen a thing or two, and this movie, it got me thinkin’. And that’s worth somethin’, ain’t it?
Tags: deep dark movie, movie explained, ending explained, dark themes, fear, creatures, psychological thriller, 1856, 1956, Arvores National Park, Lennon, Amir, Morocco, mystery, suspense