Alright, so listen up, y’all. There’s this thing, this… what do you call it? A case, yeah, a case about that poor girl, Shannon Siders. Bless her heart. They say it happened way back in 1989. A long time ago, I tell ya, a real long time ago. Folks wasn’t as fancy then, not like they are now with their smarty-pants phones and all that jazz. Anyways, this Shannon girl, they found her… gone. Killed, they say. In Newaygo County, some woods. Lord have mercy.
Now, two brothers, Matthew and Paul Jones, they got the blame. Locked ‘em up, they did. Said they done it. And this fella, Dean Robinson, he was the one pointin’ the finger, swearin’ on the Bible, or whatever they do in them courtrooms. Said he saw somethin’, heard somethin’. Said them Jones boys were the ones who hurt that girl.
But hold on a minute, things ain’t always what they seem, are they? This Dean fella, he’s comin’ back now, sayin’ somethin’ different. Says he was lyin’. Can you believe that? Lyin’ under oath! That’s a big deal, I reckon. Lying to the judge and all them important folks. He says he made it all up about the Jones boys. Said they didn’t do nothin’ to that poor Shannon girl.

Now, I ain’t no lawyer, mind you, but this sounds fishy, real fishy. How can a fella just lie like that? And why? What made him change his tune after all these years? Was somebody pressurin’ him? Did he get paid off? Or maybe, just maybe, he’s tellin’ the truth now, and he was lyin’ back then. Makes your head spin, it does.
- First, they say the Jones boys did it.
- Then, this Dean fella says they did it.
- Now, Dean says they didn’t!
This whole thing, it’s a mess, a real doggone mess. That poor Shannon girl, she’s gone, and nobody seems to know for sure what really happened to her. And these Jones boys, locked up all that time, maybe for nothin’? It ain’t right, I tell ya. It just ain’t right.
They say this private investigator fella helped Dean come forward. Private investigator, huh? Sounds fancy. Guess they dig up all the secrets, these private fellas. Maybe he found somethin’ new, somethin’ that made Dean change his mind. Or maybe Dean just got a guilty conscience. Who knows?
I heard tell that they got this “Crime Junkie” show lookin’ into it too. A whole show about it! Folks sure are interested in this story, even after all these years. It’s sad, though, ain’t it? Sad that a young girl’s life was taken, and sad that folks can’t seem to agree on who done it.
I tell ya, the world’s a funny place. You think you know somethin’, and then bam! It all changes. Just like that Dean fella. One minute he’s pointin’ fingers, the next he’s sayin’ he was wrong. Makes you wonder who to trust, doesn’t it? Makes you wonder if justice will ever really be served.
So, what’s gonna happen now? Will them Jones boys get out of jail? Will they find the real killer? Will anybody ever know the truth about what happened to Shannon Siders? I surely hope so. That girl deserves justice, and them Jones boys, well, if they didn’t do it, they deserve to be free. It’s as simple as that.
But I ain’t holdin’ my breath, y’all. Sometimes, the truth gets buried so deep, it’s hard to dig it up. And sometimes, folks just don’t wanna know the truth. It’s easier to believe a lie, I guess. But that ain’t right. We gotta keep fightin’ for the truth, even when it’s hard. Even when it hurts. That’s what I believe.
Tags: Dean Robinson, Shannon Siders, Matthew Jones, Paul Jones, Newaygo County, Murder, Crime Junkie, 1989, Testimony, Reversal, Private Investigator, Justice, Michigan, Trial