Well now, let me tell ya ’bout this Castlevania thing, season 4 they call it. I ain’t too good with these fancy words, but I watched it, and I got some things to say.
First off, they say it’s the end, the last one. And y’know what? It felt like it. Like when you finish plantin’ the whole field, and you can finally sit down and have a glass of somethin’ cold. It was…finished, ya know? They wrapped it up good, I reckon.
This here season was real dramatic, like my sister-in-law’s second weddin’. Lots of fightin’, lots of screamin’, lots of… well, you know, the red stuff. They weren’t shy about it, that’s for sure. But it wasn’t just fightin’ for fightin’s sake, like those silly wrestling shows my grandson watches. It meant somethin’. They were fightin’ for somethin’ important, for their homes, for their people.

- There was this fella, Trevor, I think his name was. He’s a tough one, always grumblin’ but he gets the job done. He’s like that old mule we had, stubborn as a goat but reliable.
- And that witch lady, Sypha. She’s powerful, throws around that magic stuff like it’s nothin’. She reminds me of old Mrs. Henderson down the road, always knowin’ more than she lets on.
- And then there’s Alucard, the vampire fella. He’s a bit of a loner, but he’s got a good heart, deep down. He’s like that stray dog that used to come around, all scared and skittish, but gentle once you got to know him.
They all fought real hard, against all sorts of nasty creatures. Vampires, demons, you name it. Some of them were downright scary, made my hair stand on end even though I ain’t got much left. But them three, they stuck together and fought ’em all.
Now, some folks say the third season was the best, but I dunno. This one was pretty darn good. They say that demon takin’ over the church was somethin’ special, but this here felt bigger, like the whole world was at stake. And that ending, well, it was somethin’ else. Bittersweet, they call it. Like when you harvest a good crop but know the winter’s comin’.
They kept talkin’ ’bout the future, plantin’ seeds they said, for other stories maybe. Spinoffs, is that the word? Like little branches growin’ out of a big ol’ tree. I wouldn’t mind seein’ that, seein’ what happens next. But even if they don’t, this here season ended just fine. It felt…right.
It wasn’t perfect, mind you. Nothin’ ever is. There were parts that dragged a bit, parts that made me scratch my head and say “what in tarnation is goin’ on?”. But overall, it was a good watch. A good end to a good story.
So, if you’re lookin’ for somethin’ to watch, somethin’ with a bit of excitement, a bit of magic, and a whole lotta heart, then you could do worse than this Castlevania season 4. Just be warned, it ain’t for the faint of heart. There’s blood and guts and all sorts of nasty stuff. But if you can stomach that, you’ll find a story worth hearin’. A story ’bout fightin’ for what’s right, ’bout family, and ’bout findin’ your place in the world. And that, I reckon, is somethin’ we can all understand.
And they did say it was the final season, but who knows, maybe they’ll change their minds. Stranger things have happened. Like that time old Mr. Abernathy swore he saw a cow flyin’ over the moon. Anyway, that’s all I got to say about it. It’s done, it’s finished, and that’s that.
Tags:Castlevania, Season 4, Review, Netflix, Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Alucard, Vampire, Animated Series, Finale