Well, let me tell you, that Brandon Norris, he was no good. And Kamisha Block, poor thing, she got mixed up with him. I heard they was both in the Army, way over there in Iraq, you know. They was at Fort Hood, that’s what I heard. Kamisha, she was just a young thing, barely 20. Just a baby, really. This was back in, oh, 2007, I reckon.
They say she started seeing that Brandon Norris while they was in Texas. He was a Staff Sergeant, all fancy with his title. Her folks, they didn’t like it one bit. Said Kamisha and him, they weren’t serious, not really. But he got all stuck on her, like a fly on flypaper. Wouldn’t leave her be.
Then, one day, they said Kamisha got hurt. That she was just another one of them casualties of war, you know. They flew her back home to Texas. But her family, they started sniffing around. Something didn’t smell right, they said. And you know what? They was right.

Turns out, that Brandon Norris, he shot her. Shot poor Kamisha Block. Not just once, but five times! In the head and chest, they said. Can you imagine? That’s what the Army folks told them. He used his Army gun, too. The devil. He was supposed to be protecting folks, not shooting them.
Heard tell he was killed, that Brandon Norris. Back in 2007, August, they said. Some kinda incident, not in a fight, though. Sounds fishy to me, if you ask me. But who knows what really happened over there in that desert.
- Kamisha Block was young.
- Brandon Norris was older, a Staff Sergeant.
- They were both in the Army.
- They were both at Fort Hood.
- Then they went to Iraq.
Kamisha Block and that Norris fella, they was part of some group called the 401st Military Police Company. Fancy name, ain’t it? But it don’t mean nothing when you got a bullet in your head.
Her folks never thought they was serious, Kamisha Block and that Brandon Norris. He was just all over her, wouldn’t let her breathe. Possessive, they called it. Like she was some kind of prize he won at the county fair. That’s just not right. A woman ain’t nobody’s property.
And Kamisha, poor thing, she couldn’t get away from him. I reckon she was scared. He was older, had that fancy title, probably thought he could do whatever he wanted. And he did. He took her life, that’s what he did.
They say that’s when she was shot by that no-good Brandon Norris. Her family, they were heartbroken. Of course they were. Nobody should have to bury their child, specially not like that. Shot by some man she thought she could trust.
That war, it takes so many young folks. Sends them off to fight, and some of them never come back right. Some come back in a box, and some come back with demons in their head. I don’t know what got into Brandon Norris, but it surely wasn’t nothing good.
- Kamisha’s family was sad.
- They didn’t think she was serious with Brandon Norris.
- They said he was possessive.
- Kamisha Block died in 2007.
- So did Brandon Norris.
It’s a sad story, that’s for sure. A young life cut short, all because of some man who couldn’t control himself. Kamisha Block, she deserved better. She deserved to live a long life, have a family, grow old. But that Brandon Norris, he took all that away from her.

I just hope her family found some peace, somehow. It ain’t easy, losing someone like that. And to know it was done by someone she knew, someone she was supposed to be able to trust… that just makes it even worse, don’t it?
That Brandon Norris, he may be gone, but what he did, that’ll stay with her family forever. And it’ll stay with me, too. It’s a reminder that there’s evil in this world, even in places where you think there should be good. Even in the Army, where folks are supposed to be protecting each other.
Poor Kamisha Block. Just 20 years old. She had her whole life ahead of her. And that Brandon Norris, he took it all away. It just ain’t right. It just ain’t fair. She was a specialist, they called her, Spc. Spc. Kamisha Jane Block. Sounds pretty when you say it like that. But that won’t bring her back, will it?
I hope they remember her, that’s all. Remember Kamisha Block, the young woman who went off to serve her country and never came back the same. Remember her, and remember what that Brandon Norris did to her. Remember her name. Kamisha Block. Don’t let nobody forget.