Alright, let’s talk about this Bodkin show, episode five, you know? It’s a real head-scratcher, this one. They start with this Dove girl waking up in Mary’s house. Mary’s house, mind you! Not her own bed. And then she meets Mary’s daughter, real quick like. But then, BAM! Dove and Mary are at each other’s throats, arguing like cats and dogs. I tell ya, these young folks, always stirring up trouble.
This whole show, it’s about these podcast folks, right? Trying to figure out what happened to three people who just up and disappeared. Gone! Like a fart in the wind. This fella, Gilbert, he’s the main podcaster, I guess. And he’s got this Emmy girl and Dove helping him. They’re in this little Irish town, poking around where they shouldn’t be, seems to me. They got this researcher too, following them around like a lost puppy.
- First, Dove wakes up in a strange bed.
- Then, she’s yelling at Mary.
- And this whole missing person thing, it’s just a mess.
Now, they say this show is a “darkly comedic thriller.” I don’t know about all that fancy talk. It’s just plain confusing to me, half the time. They jump around, things happen out of order. One minute you think you got it figured out, the next minute you’re lost again. It’s like trying to follow a chicken running around with its head cut off.

This episode five, it leaves you hanging, you know? They don’t tell you everything. They just give you little bits and pieces, like breadcrumbs. And you gotta try and put it all together. It’s kinda like when you’re trying to bake a cake but you’re missing half the ingredients, and the instructions are all blurry. Makes it hard to know what’s going on or what’s gonna happen next, ya see? They say there’s only two more episodes after this one. Two! And they still haven’t told us who did what or why.
I heard tell there’s something about eels, too. Eels! Can you believe it? And a truck blowing up. And somebody killed somebody else with a brick. A brick! My goodness, these people are violent. And then there’s this Sergeant Power, trying to help his son hide a body. Sounds like a whole heap of trouble to me. And then there’s this woman named Greta. She gets hit by a car. Killed, just like that. It’s all just a tangled-up mess, like a ball of yarn the cat got a hold of. Makes my head spin just thinking about it all.
They say this is a “black comedy thriller.” I don’t see much funny about it, myself. Maybe it’s that kind of funny where you’re supposed to laugh but you’re really just uncomfortable. Like when you see somebody slip on a banana peel, you know? You laugh, but you also feel kinda bad for them. I don’t know about you, but it seems more serious than funny to me. People disappearing, people getting killed. It’s not exactly a laughing matter, in my book.
This Gilbert fella, he’s looking for a good story for his podcast, they say. Well, he sure found one, didn’t he? A story full of secrets and lies and dead bodies. I just hope he can figure it all out before somebody else gets hurt. Or worse. And I hope I can figure it all out too, before my brain turns to mush. It’s hard keeping up with all these characters and their shenanigans, you know? They come and go so fast, it’s like they’re on a merry-go-round.
So, that’s episode five. A whole lot of questions, not a whole lot of answers. And two more episodes to go. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how it all ends. But I’m telling you, it better be good. After all this confusion, they better give us a good explanation. Otherwise, I’m gonna be real mad. Like a hen whose eggs have been stolen. You don’t wanna mess with a mad hen, and you don’t wanna mess with me when I don’t get a good ending to my stories.
They left this town, you know? Gilbert, Dove, and Emmy. Just packed up and left. I guess they figured they had enough, or maybe they got scared off. Who knows? But I’m still curious. I wanna know what happened to everybody. I wanna know who was telling the truth and who was lying. I wanna know why those people disappeared in the first place. Maybe they’ll tell us in the last two episodes. Or maybe they’ll just leave us hanging. That’s the trouble with these kinds of shows, they like to keep you guessing.
Tags: Bodkin, episode 5, recap, thriller, mystery, podcast, Irish town, disappearance, Gilbert, Dove, Emmy, Mary