Alright, let’s talk about this Black Snow thing, episode six, you know? It’s a real head-scratcher, this one. They dug up that old box, whatchamacallit, a time capsule, and stirred up a whole mess of trouble.
So, this Cormack fella, he’s a detective, see? Always pokin’ his nose where it don’t belong, but that’s his job, I guess. He’s been tryin’ to figure out what happened to that Isabel girl way back when. And let me tell ya, it ain’t pretty.
This episode, number six, that’s where things really go haywire. Cormack and that Hazel woman, they’re workin’ together, tryin’ to make sense of it all. They figured out that Kalana girl is missin’. Just vanished, poof, like a fart in the wind. And that Anton fella, the one Cormack wanted to talk to? He’s gone too. Makes ya think, don’t it?

- First off, they find out Kalana’s gone. That’s a big uh-oh moment.
- Then, Anton disappears. Makes him look real suspicious, if you ask me.
- And Cormack, he’s runnin’ around like a chicken with its head cut off, tryin’ to find ’em both.
Now, they’re thinkin’ the worst. And who can blame ’em? People disappearin’ left and right, it ain’t natural. This whole thing started with that time capsule, I tell ya. Shoulda just left it buried in the ground where it belonged. Nothin’ good ever comes from diggin’ up the past.
Remember that Victor fella? Mean as a snake, that one. Turns out he’s the one who killed Isabel. Bashed her head in, they say. And why? ‘Cause she found out he was keepin’ them fellas, Niman and Kalip, locked up on his property. He was a bad egg, that Victor. And he didn’t stop there. He ran that Billy boy off the road too, just to keep him quiet.
So, you got Victor killin’ people, Kalana and Anton disappearin’, and Cormack chasin’ after everyone. It’s a whole heap of trouble, I tell ya. And this Black Snow, it’s like a curse on that town. Nothin’ but bad luck since they opened that dang time capsule.
They say this happened in Queensland, way up north. Some islander community. Guess they got their own way of doin’ things up there, but murder’s murder, no matter where you are. And secrets? They always got a way of comin’ out, don’t they? Just like weeds in the garden, you pull one out, and two more grow back.
This Cormack, he’s got his work cut out for him. He’s gotta find Kalana and Anton, figure out what happened to them, and probably deal with that Victor fella too, even though he’s dead. It’s a messy business, this detective work. Not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.
And Hazel, she’s right there with him, tryin’ to piece it all together. She’s a tough one, that Hazel. Don’t take no guff from nobody. They make a good team, those two. Hope they figure it all out before anyone else gets hurt.
This episode, it ends with a real cliffhanger. You know, the kind that makes you wanna scream at the TV. They leave you hangin’, wonderin’ what’s gonna happen next. That’s how they get ya, these TV shows. Keep ya comin’ back for more.
So, that’s the gist of it, episode six of Black Snow. A whole lotta trouble, a whole lotta secrets, and a whole lotta questions still needin’ answers. Makes you wonder who’s gonna end up on top, and who’s gonna end up six feet under. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?

Tags: [Black Snow, Episode 6, Recap, Crime Drama, Australian TV, Mystery, Missing Persons, Queensland]