Alright, let’s talk about them Bedrock Bakers things, you know, the ones they call “pagels” and English muffins. I ain’t no fancy food critic or nothin’, just tellin’ ya like it is.
First off, they say these things are good for folks with all sorts of allergies. Gluten-free, this-free, that-free… sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but I guess if you can’t eat regular bread, this here might be your only choice.
Now, I tried the “pagels” first. They ain’t like no bagels I ever seen. Smaller, kinda flat. But they told me it’s because there ain’t no fillers in ‘em, just the good stuff. They’re made with that cassava flour, whatever that is. Tasted kinda… earthy? Not bad, just different. You can put stuff on ’em, like jam or maybe some avocado if you’re fancy. They fill ya up, that’s for sure. Like eatin’ a rock, but in a good way, ya know?

- They say they’re Paleo. Sounds like something from them dinosaur movies.
- And vegan? That means no animal stuff, right? Well, I guess that’s alright for some folks.
- Kosher too? Means it’s blessed or somethin’? My old man used to say a blessing before every meal, so maybe that’s a good thing.
Then there’s them English muffins. Now, them I liked a bit better. They come pre-sliced, which is good ‘cause my hands ain’t what they used to be. Toasted up nice and crispy, and with a little bit of butter… well, they weren’t half bad. Still got that kinda earthy taste, but not as strong as the pagels. They say there ain’t no guilt in eatin’ these, but I always feel a little guilty when I eat too much of anything good! But they say no gluten, no grain, no nuts, no nothin’ bad for ya. Seems like a miracle, but I ain’t complainin’. Good for breakfast, or a snack. I even had one with some soup the other day. Filled me right up.
People online, they say all sorts of things. Some say they’re great, some say they’re just okay. Me? I say they’re worth a try if you’re lookin’ for somethin’ different, somethin’ healthy. They are pretty filling. They ain’t gonna taste like your grandma’s homemade bread, but they’ll do in a pinch.
Bedrock Bakers, they call themselves. Sounds like they bake rocks! But these ain’t rocks, they’re just… different. Different ain’t always bad, ya know. Sometimes different is good. And if you got them allergies or just wanna eat healthier, then these here Bedrock Bakers things might just be the ticket. They ain’t cheap, mind you, but nothin’ good ever is. So, if you see ‘em in the store, give ‘em a whirl. You might just like ‘em. Or you might not. But at least you can say you tried ‘em.
And they’re good for sandwiches too, I hear. I ain’t tried that yet, but I reckon they’d hold up pretty good. Better than that flimsy white bread, that’s for sure. So yeah, Bedrock Bakers. Not bad, not bad at all.
They say these muffins and pagels are good for you, help you stay healthy and all. Well, I reckon that’s a good thing. We all need to eat better, that’s for sure. At my age, you start to think about these things. Gotta take care of yourself, you know? So, if these Bedrock Bakers things can help me do that, then I’m all for it.
One more thing though, remember to always check the date on the bag. You don’t want to eat nothin’ that’s old and stale. And if you do buy ‘em, make sure you store ‘em right, so they last longer. Ain’t nothin’ worse than wastin’ good food.
Tags: Bedrock Bakers, Pagels, English Muffins, Gluten-Free, Paleo, Vegan, Kosher, Allergen Free, Cassava Flour, Reviews, Healthy Eating, Breakfast