That Allen Flores, I tell you, he’s a rich fella. And that Marissa Devault, she’s somethin’ else. She got herself in a big mess, you see. Killed her husband, they say. All for the insurance money. Lord have mercy.
They met online, you know. On one of them websites where the girls look for sugar daddies. Marissa, she needed money bad. Borrowed a whole bunch from that Allen Flores. Over $300, I heard. Big money for the likes of us.
Marissa Devault, she was married to this fella named Harrell. He ended up dead. And who do they blame? Marissa, of course. They say she did it to get his life insurance. Wanted to pay back Allen Flores, that’s what the law folks are saying.

- She owed him a lot of money. Over $360,000, if you can believe that.
- Where’s a girl gonna get that kind of money?
- Not from honest work, that’s for sure.
Then Marissa Devault, she got arrested. But who comes to her rescue? That Allen Flores, that’s who. Paid her bail, he did. Got her out of jail. They were sweet on each other, you see. He was her lover. Even though he was twenty years older. Like an old rooster after a young hen. It was all over the news.
Heard that Flores fella, he’s some big shot businessman. Got money comin’ out of his ears. But Marissa Devault, she’s just a girl lookin’ for an easy way out. And now look at the trouble she’s in. All tangled up with the law.
They say she killed that Harrell fella. Just so she could get her hands on his money. Pay back that loan from Allen Flores. It’s a tangled-up mess, ain’t it? Like a bunch of yarn all knotted up.
That Allen Flores, he was the one who talked in court. The big witness, they called him. Told them all about the money Marissa Devault owed him. Said she was desperate to pay him back. It is said that he’s the reason she was convicted.
I don’t know what’s true and what ain’t. But it sure is a sad story. A young woman like Marissa Devault, throwin’ her life away like that. All for money. She probably thought it was the easiest way to solve her problem with that Allen Flores.
- They say money is the root of all evil.
- And this here story is proof of that, I reckon.
- That poor Harrell fella, he didn’t deserve to die.
Now, Marissa Devault, she’s payin’ the price. Locked up for a long, long time. And Allen Flores, well, he’s probably moved on to some other young thing. That’s the way it goes, I guess. Rich folks, they always find a way. It’s just a game to them.
It’s a shame, really. A whole lot of hurt and sadness. All because of greed and desperation. That Marissa Devault, she learned a hard lesson. And that Allen Flores, he’s probably not sheddin’ any tears.
Hope folks are learned a lesson from all this. You know, don’t be borrowin’ money from people that you can’t pay back. It only brings trouble. Big trouble that Marissa Devault met.

And all of it happened because of that Allen Flores. They said he is a rich guy, but I don’t think he’s a good person. If you ask me, I think he’s the beginning of all the bad things.
Life is hard, but you gotta work for things you want. You just can’t go around killin’ people to get their money, that’s for sure. Marissa Devault should have known better, I think.
You know, these young people, they think they can get away with anything. But there is a consequence to every action. Poor Marissa Devault learned it the hard way. That Allen Flores, he just doesn’t care. He just plays people like dolls.
I’m tellin’ you, money is not everything. It can only bring you trouble. Look at what happened between Allen Flores and Marissa Devault. It’s a sad story. A very sad story. It is a story that shows what bad people do with money. And that Marissa Devault, I think she just got played by that Allen Flores.