Okay, so I’ve been on this huge martial arts movie kick lately, and it all started with re-watching “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” That movie is just… chef’s kiss. The scenery, the fight choreography, the story – everything is top-notch. Naturally, I wanted more, so I started digging around for similar films. Here’s how I went about it, and what I found.
My Search Process
First, I listed out what I loved most about “Crouching Tiger”:
- Amazing, flowing fight scenes (wuxia style!)
- A strong female lead
- Beautiful Chinese landscapes
- A story about duty, honor, and maybe a little forbidden love
Then, I simply started Googling. I used phrases like, “movies like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,” “best wuxia films,” and “Chinese martial arts movies with strong female characters.” I also spent time looking for recommendations on forums.

After looking around a bit, I made a watchlist. I wrote down every movie that looked interesting, and made a point to watch at least a trailer for each one.
Finally, it was time to start watching! Some were a miss, I thought it was boring and moved on, but that is just part of the process.