Well, folks, I ain’t no film critic, but I reckon I can tell you a thing or two about that movie “Adore” and its endin’. This here film, “Adore,” it’s about these two women, Roz and Lil, been friends forever, livin’ by the beach, real pretty-like. They got sons, see? And things get all tangled up like a ball of yarn.
So, these ladies, they start feelin’ somethin’ for each other’s boys. Yeah, you heard that right. It ain’t right, I tell ya, but that’s what the movie’s about. Lil’s son, Ian, he starts up with Roz, and Tom, Roz’s boy, he gets with Lil. It’s all hush-hush, secret-like, you know?
The whole thing starts kinda slow, real calm-like. The movie shows how these women, they ain’t exactly happy with their own husbands no more. One’s gone off to Sydney for work, and the other one, well, he ain’t around much either. So, these ladies, they find comfort with the young fellas, their best friend’s sons. It’s a mess, a real tangled-up mess.
Now, the endin’, that’s where it gets kinda… well, I don’t rightly know how to put it. It ain’t like a bang-bang finish, you know? More like a slow sigh. These women, they try to stop things. They tell the boys, “This ain’t right, we gotta stop.” But feelings, they ain’t so easy to turn off, like a light switch.
- Ian, he’s real stuck on Roz. He don’t wanna let go. And Roz, she feels somethin’ for him too, even though she knows it’s wrong.
- Tom, he’s a bit quieter about it, but you can tell he’s got feelings for Lil too. It’s all mixed up and complicated.
So, what happens? Well, Ian and Roz, they sneak around a bit more, even after they say they’ll stop. And then, wouldn’t you know it, Lil and Tom, they never really stopped seein’ each other neither. It’s like a secret they just can’t keep buried.
The movie, it shows you that these relationships, they ain’t got no real future. The boys, they gonna grow up, find other girls, get married, have kids of their own. But, the movie hints that they always gonna have a special place in their hearts for these women, their mothers’ best friends. It’s a strange kinda love, not the regular kind, that’s for sure.
There’s this party, Tom’s birthday, I think. Ian, he gets mad at Roz, dances with another girl just to make her jealous. That’s how messed up things are. And then, there’s this bit about the husbands. Turns out, they been messin’ around too, with each other’s mothers-in-law! Can you believe that? So, their wives, they leave, takin’ the kids with ‘em. It’s a whole heap of trouble, I tell ya.
The very last part, it’s just Roz and Lil, sittin’ there by the beach, lookin’ out at the ocean. They ain’t sayin’ much. You just see ‘em, and you know, things ain’t gonna be the same. The movie, it don’t give you a neat little bow to tie everything up. It just leaves you thinkin’ about it all, about love and friendship and how messy life can be.
Some folks, they say the movie’s about female sexuality, bein’ open and honest about it. I don’t know about all that fancy talk. I just see a story about people makin’ mistakes, hurtin’ each other, and tryin’ to figure things out. And that endin’, well, it’s like life, ain’t it? Sometimes, there ain’t no easy answers, no clear endin’. Things just… go on.
It ain’t a perfect movie, mind you. It’s kinda slow in parts, and some of the stuff they do, well, it just ain’t right. But it gets you thinkin’, that’s for sure. It makes you wonder about love and family and how people can get themselves into such a pickle. And that ending… well, it stays with you, like a bad taste in your mouth, but also kinda sad and wistful, all at the same time.
So, if you’re lookin’ for a movie with a clear-cut happy endin’, this ain’t it. But if you wanna see somethin’ different, somethin’ that’ll make you scratch your head and wonder, then maybe give “Adore” a watch. Just don’t expect no easy answers.

Tags:Adore, movie ending, Roz, Lil, Ian, Tom, relationships, forbidden love, drama, film review