Hollywood in Scituate: Your Guide to Movie Filmed in Scituate MA.

Hollywood in Scituate: Your Guide to Movie Filmed in Scituate MA.

Okay, so I wanted to figure out all the movies that were filmed in Scituate, MA. It’s a pretty coastal town, so I figured there had to be a few, right? Here’s how I went about finding them.

My Search Process

First, I opened up my trusty search engine.

Then I typed in “movies filmed in Scituate MA”. Pretty straightforward, huh?

Hollywood in Scituate: Your Guide to Movie Filmed in Scituate MA.

The search results showed up, and I started browsing through them.

  • I looked at a bunch of different websites.
  • I ignored anything that looked super sketchy.
  • I focused on sites that seemed to be about movies or about Massachusetts in general.

I found some sites that listed a few movies.

As I found a name of the movie, I wrote the name down.

I kept scrolling, kept clicking, and kept my eyes peeled for mentions of Scituate.

In the End, I created the movie list and found the information about movies filmed in Scituate MA.