Movies Similar to Waterworld: Epic Adventures on the Sea.

Movies Similar to Waterworld: Epic Adventures on the Sea.

Okay, so I’ve been on this huge kick lately of watching post-apocalyptic movies, you know, the ones where the world is basically wrecked. I just finished watching Waterworld again – yeah, the one with Kevin Costner and the gills. It got me thinking, what other movies are out there that give off that same vibe?

So, I started by just, like, thinking about what I liked about Waterworld. It’s the whole “world covered in water” thing, the struggle for survival, the makeshift communities, and that grimy, cobbled-together tech. That’s what I wanted to find more of.

My Search Begins

First, I hit up Google. I think my search was something super simple like “movies similar to waterworld”.

Movies Similar to Waterworld: Epic Adventures on the Sea.

I scrolled through a bunch of lists, and some names kept popping up.

  • The Postman: Also with Kevin Costner, it seems. Post-apocalyptic, but with land, not water. Still worth a look.
  • Mad Max series: These were always on my radar. Desert instead of ocean, but same kind of crazy vehicles and desperate people.
  • A Boy and His Dog. Another post-apocalypse theme like Mad Max, I must take sometime to watch it.

I also checked out some forums, like Reddit, where people were discussing similar movies. That’s where I found a few more obscure ones.

It wasn’t a super scientific process, more like following a trail of breadcrumbs,one suggestion led to another, and I just kept digging.

Putting Together My Watchlist

After a few hours of searching and reading, I made a pretty solid list. Some I’d heard of, some were totally new to me. I figured I’d start with the ones that sounded most like Waterworld in terms of setting or theme, and then branch out from there.

It’s not perfect, and I’m sure I missed some good ones, but it’s a good starting point. Now I just need to find the time to actually watch all these movies!