How Long Was Jessica Watson Underwater? The True Story of Her Solo Sailing Journey Around the World!

How Long Was Jessica Watson Underwater? The True Story of Her Solo Sailing Journey Around the World!

Okay, so I was digging into this thing about Jessica Watson and her solo sailing trip. You know, the one where she sailed around the world all by herself? Well, I got curious about whether her boat, Ella’s Pink Lady, ever went underwater. Turns out, it did! And I went down a bit of a rabbit hole figuring out the details.

First, I started with a simple search. Just wanted to see if it actually happened. Boom, right there, it’s confirmed. Her boat did capsize and flip over.

Here’s what I found out:

  • Fact Check: Yes, Ella’s Pink Lady went underwater.
  • Date: The information I found was updated around June 22, 2024, so it’s pretty recent stuff.
  • What happened: The boat capsized, which means it turned over, and then it flipped completely upside down. Man, that sounds scary!

Then I dug a little deeper. I found some talk about whether her trip counted as a full circumnavigation. Apparently, there’s some rule about needing to travel at least 21,600 nautical miles. This was mentioned in some info updated around July 7, 2024. She didn’t meet that, but still, sailing around the world solo is a huge accomplishment!

How Long Was Jessica Watson Underwater? The True Story of Her Solo Sailing Journey Around the World!

So, I spent a good chunk of time reading through all this. It was kinda interesting to see how these details are discussed and updated. I mean, imagine being out there in the ocean, and your boat just flips over. Crazy, right?

But yeah, that’s the gist of it. I got my answer, and then some! Learned a bit about sailing rules too. All in all, it was a pretty productive little research session.

Honestly this whole journey was amazing, I learned a lot about Jessica Watson.