Okay, here’s my little story about “before the ending.” It all started when I was trying to figure out what to do when, you know, everything goes kaput. Like, the end of the world or whatever. I mean, what’s a guy supposed to do, right?
First, I thought, I gotta get ready somehow. But then I read this thing that said there’s nothing you can do to really, physically prepare for the end of the world. Like, what? So, I started looking into it more.
I found some advice from Jesus, saying a bunch of people will claim to be the end-all-be-all, but you gotta “gird your loins” with truth. Whatever that means. Sounds like a hassle, right?
Anyway, I wanted to make things simpler. Planning for the end of life, not just the end of the world, it seemed like the same deal. So I started thinking about what I’d really need. I figured, maybe I should have a little base or something, a place to hang out if things go south.
I decided to set up a small camp. Just a little spot next to, well, let’s call it a “portal.” I put a bed there and waited for night. Slept in the bed, made sure I knew the way back to, you know, normal life. When morning came, I had it.
So, what’s the takeaway here? I guess it’s that even if you can’t stop the end, you can still have a little plan, a little something to make things a bit less chaotic. And yeah, maybe you gotta deal with some weird “gird your loins” type of stuff along the way, but hey, at least you’re doing something, right? It’s better than just sitting around waiting for the end, I figure. That’s what I did, anyway. And it worked out okay for me. Maybe it will for you too, just to do something to make your ending a little bit more comfortable, I think it’s useful.